  • 學位論文

台灣 BOT 開發議約合宜性問題之研究-以遠雄大巨蛋案為例

The Study for Propriety of Negotiatory Procedure of Taiwan BOT Model-A Case Study of Taipei Dome Complex

指導教授 : 林秋綿 蔡玉娟


台灣民間參與公共建設之典型 BOT 開發模式沿革至今十餘年,相關案例所在多有,遭負面詬病者卻不在少數。近來沸沸揚揚之遠雄大巨蛋一案即飽受爭議,其造成社會觀感不佳之原因之一在於該案得標後之議約與初始招商目標迥異而衍生之投標公平性爭議。然就實務言,評定最優申請人後多經再議約之程序方訂定最終之正式投資契約,此議約階段裨益投資契約更盡詳實,未經任何議約過程逕行簽約之情況實屬罕見。然而議約的程序卻可能肇生兩造角力之局面及面臨向廠商讓利之爭議與詬病。 議約之彈性限度究應為何才不致悖離公平性?台灣 BOT 議約程序及法源配套有何隙漏?大巨蛋個案之爭議,是官僚風氣、政治操弄之後果,抑或為 BOT 議約模式之本質問題所造成?若係為此模式制度設計面之偏差,則針對相關模式法令制度予以修正以符合現實之用,似屬唯一選項。畢竟若未就議約規範問題予以修改增補,而後採 BOT 為開發方式者仍可能因議約之彈性幅度難以拿捏,遭遇相同瓶頸而難以續行。 本文藉文獻回顧探究大巨蛋案問題癥結,並透過深度訪談之專家問卷方法,回歸檢討台灣 BOT 議約設計之妥適性及彈性程度。 本文認為大巨蛋案即便議約階段並未全然悖離甚或違反現行促參法之規定,然而為避免類似之議約爭議及詬病,針對 BOT 議約內容當中「合法」但未必「合宜」之法規層面進行檢視,最後就議約相關法令制度及適用提出建議,企盼減少台灣 BOT 開發議約階段衍生之爭議。


BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) development model of Taiwan has been practiced for over 15 years. Many related cases, but there are plenty of negative challenged cases. The case applicable in BOT mode-Taipei Dome Complex is highly controversial in recent uproar. The reason why it creates such a messy perception of society because the negotiation in the case of the legal aspects after the bid, are different from the initial BOT investment objectives. In reality, however, after deciding the winning applicant, the procedure of renegotiation makes recommendations about investment contract to make more detailed and reliable. Few cases are signing a contract directly without going through any legal negotiation. However, on the legal bargaining, it is prone to the case of the public and private sectors wrestling. More seriously, it may cause controversy that dispute the government to release the interests to the private sector. How much the elasticity of the negotiation should be given so as not to violate the principle of fairness? The controversial phenomenon is because the consequences of the bureaucratic system and the political manipulation, or merely because the innate character of the renegotiating procedure? If the key lies in the deviation of the system design, then start out on a task to amend related decree to accord with the use of realistic seems to be the only viable option. After all, if we do not modify and augment the interrelated legislation, the applicants involved in BOT mode may still encounter the same difficulties afterward that it is hard to continue. This study reviews the related literature and expect to know the crux of the problem of this case. Also, this study looks in to the appropriateness of negotiatory procedure of BOT Mode in Taiwan Through in-depth interviews of experts in the questionnaire method, giving the applicable recommendations to the negotiatory procedure of BOT mode in Taiwan. Even the hope to straighten the negotiatory procedure of BOT mode in Taiwan by adjusting the system and institution.


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