  • 學位論文


A Study of Labor Arbitration System-Concerning the Comparision between Labor Arbitration System and Commercial Arbitration System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭玲惠 吳光明


解決勞資爭議,除了傳統的勞動訴訟之外,發展訴訟外的紛爭解決機制,在國家行政與當事人自 治間之權衡,找出合理解決勞資爭議之管道,使勞資間之衝突得以避免傳統勞動訴訟所可能形成之 訴訟障礙,並藉由制度之設計,獲得某種程度之解決,又不致破壞勞資間協調合作之關係。 當前現實情境中,仲裁並非解決勞資爭議之主要方式,為了讓勞資爭議當事人除了司法途徑之外, 在行政機關或民間團體之架構下,依照當事人的需求,選擇協調、調解以及仲裁等不同的方式來解 決糾紛,故而擬在勞資爭議處理法、仲裁法及民事訴訟法相關之規範間,檢視我國勞資爭議處理法 中有關仲裁之規定,有無可加以改善或向我國仲裁法、民事訴訟法、外國立法例或其他適當程序借 鑑之處,讓我國勞資爭議解決的多元化機制更為完備。 本論文第一章緒論:擬說明本文研究動機、背景及研究範圍、研究方法及章節安排。第二章勞資爭議處理制度概說:擬說明勞資爭議的意義與種類。我國勞資爭議之現況。勞資爭議處理法中仲裁規定之立法沿革。仲裁制度之源起、意義與特點、優點及缺點。第三章我國勞資爭議仲裁制度與商務仲裁制度之異同:比較我國勞資爭議仲裁制度與商務仲裁制度之間異同,分析「勞資爭議」若可分別以勞資爭議處理法下之仲裁與仲裁法之規定進行仲裁程序,有無必要?第四章美國勞資爭議仲裁制度:擬說明美國法院對於勞動仲裁判斷之審查態度及美國勞動仲裁程序。第五章我國勞資爭議仲裁制度相關問題之研析:擬針對我國勞資爭議處理法中之仲裁程序,得否準用或類推適用仲裁法之規定?並遞行準用民事訴訟法或獨任仲裁人、仲裁委員會認為適當之程序。如何解釋仲裁程序之開始等問題加以分析。第六章結論與建議發展方向:歸納全文作成綜合性之結論。


Resolving labor disputes, in addition to the traditional labor litigation,deve lopment of dispute resolution mechanisms outside the litigation, to find a rea sonable solution to the labor dispute pipeline.Therefore,the conflict between the employers and employees can avoid the traditional labor litigation obstacl es.By design of the system to obtain a certain degree of resolve, and will not undermine harmonious relations of cooperation between labor and capital. The current reality context, arbitration is not the main way to solve the labo r dispute, in order to allow the employers and employees to find different way s under the framework of the administrative organ or the civil society, in acc ordance with the needs of the parties, select coordination, mediation, and arb itration to solve labor disputes. The thesis intends to deal with labor disputes between Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes , Arbitration Law ,Civil Procedure Law, foreign leg islation and other appropriate procedures,examining Act for Settlement of Lab or- Management Disputes Article Content relating to arbitration, to see a way of improving shortcomings.Let the diversification of labor dispute settlement mechanism more complete. The first chapter of the thesis: This paper intends to explain the motivation ,background and scope of the study, research methods and section arrangements. Chapter II Labour Dispute settlement system shall say: To explain the meaning and types of labor disputes. The status of the labor dispute. The legislative history Act for Settlementof Labor-Management Disputes Article Content relatin g to,source the arbitration system date, meaning and charactetistics,advantage s,and disadvantages.Chapter III Comparision of the similarities and difference s of labor dispute arbitration system and the system of commercial arbitration arbitration: Comparing the similarities and differences between labor arbitrat ion system and commercial arbitration system.Analyzing "labor dispute" if resp ectively prescribed arbitration under the Act for Settlement of Labor-Manageme nt Disputes and Arbitration Law , whether the necess ary?Chapter IV US labor dispute arbitration system: Introducing that the attitude of US Supreme Court reviews the arbitration award. Presenting how US labor arbitration works.Chapt er V the Labour Dispute Arbitration System research and analysis of related issues: can labor arbitration procedures under the Act for Settlement of Lab or- Management Disputes analogy or mutatis mutandis the provisions of the Arb itration Law? and mutatis mutandis the Civil Procedures Act or the sole arbitr ator, the arbitration committee considers appropriate procedures for labor arb itration. How to explain the beginning of the arbitration proceedings,analyzin g other issues and so on. ChapterVI Conclusions and recommendations:Induction of the full text of the conclusions makes comprehensive conclusions .


