  • 學位論文


The Parentage on The Surrogacy

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


我國自2006年已有人工生殖之立法,惟並未涵蓋「代孕」議題。雖然至今代孕相關草案尚未通過,但國內或跨國之代孕相關案例卻層出不窮,在法無明文之情況下,代孕所生之親子關係如何認定,即為重要課題。代孕生殖科技一方面挑戰傳統羅馬法之「生者恆母」法理,一方面各國對代孕規範之不同,亦引發親子關係認定之衝突,本文研究目的為歸納整理出各國對親子關係認定之標準,並將涉外代孕案件與國際私法結合,觀察已判決之重要跨國代孕案件,法院之認定結果,期能收拋磚引玉之效,使跨國代孕議題受到我國重視。此外,透過分析我國代孕之司法與行政實證,使讀者對代孕現況有所了解。    本文共計分為六章。除第一章為緒論外,第二章統合開放代孕之正反意見與介紹各國立法例,區分禁止代孕、僅允許非商業代孕,及允許商業代孕等三種;第三章將委託者可能取得之親權方式做一歸納討論,有生母恆定原則、法院裁定核發親子命令(parental order),及法律明文規定三種,其中在法院裁定核發親子命令中,依據法院側重之考量,再分為血緣、委託者之意願及最佳子女利益三種;第四章探討三則重要之跨國代孕案件,先就涉外代孕為一概述,次探討涉外代孕案件之處理原則,最後評析該三則案件;第五章為我國代孕規範歷程與代孕實務之檢討。     本文認為除應將「不孕」視為疾病,不孕者有權要求國家給予妥善之治療機會,包括使用代孕生殖之方式外,代孕所生子女既已出生,子女最佳利益之原則應係最重要之考量,不應因我國尚未明文規範代孕或各國之代孕法規有所衝突而犧牲代孕所生子女之權益。


The Artificial Reproduction Act has been enacted since 2006, but it does not cover the “surrogacy” issues. Although the Surrogacy Act draft hasn’t passed yet, no doubt of all, lots of domestic or cross-border surrogacy cases did exit. Therefore, how to identify the parentage of the surrogacy is the important issue , where the Legal Maxims in Roma law-“Mater semper certa est” has been bitterly challenged by the modern assisted reproductive technique, and the parentage controversies happened owing to the different surrogacy regulations among countries. This study summarizes the parentage standards of surrogacy and combines the cross-border surrogacy cases since the laws are conflict, and either public policy or doctrine of the best interest of child should be chosen. Another purpose is to make the cross-border surrogacy issue been valued in Taiwan by observing the three foreign cases, and by analyzing the opinion of the judiciary and administration of Taiwan. The paper has six chapters. Besides Chapter 1 is the prolegomenon, Chapter 2 introduces the different surrogacy legalizations and the pros and cons about the surrogacy. There are three types of the surrogacy legalizations, forbidden surrogacy, legalized non-commercial , and legalized commercial surrogacy. Chapter 3 describes the methods through which the intended parents obtains parental rights. Chapter 4 presents the analysis of three important cross-border surrogacy cases. Chapter 5 reviews the history of surrogacy and the practices in Taiwan. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this paper. In conclusion , the infertile couple are entitled to appropriate medical treatment, including, but not limited, the use of surrogacy. The interest of child born through surrogacy can’t be denied because of the absence of surrogacy law in Taiwan or the differences in surrogacy regulations among countries. The “children’s best interests” principle should be the most fundamental consideration for countries in their surrogacy policies.


26.陳英鈴,人工生殖法的幾個問題,法令月刊,第58卷第8期, 2007年8月。


