  • 學位論文


Research in Tort Causation: A Case Study of Illegality of Fire Services Act

指導教授 : 楊佳元


本論文係以侵權行為法上之因果關係為研究核心,對於火災案件之被害人因現場歷經高溫燃燒及搶救破壞等因素,致火災發生原因及加害人不明而面臨侵權行為損害賠償請求之困境,針對其中因果關係此一議題進行探討,並就法院實務判決加以整理分析,並提出本論文觀察所得,期能有助於火災事件侵權行為因果關係之判斷。本論文之內容除緒言與結論外,分為以下三部分:   第一部分係消防法規之概述,就現行消防法規關於預防火災之相關管理制度,以關於各類型場所之普遍性、一般性規定,以及針對特殊危險源之規範為區分,加以說明。   第二部分為民法侵權行為之回顧,介紹火災案件主要之侵權行為請求權基礎、理論架構,以及侵權行為法上重要之因果關係判斷標準,包含相當因果關係及法規目的說等理論。   第三部分則植基於上述認識,就我國法院實務判決進行分析討論,並將相關案件作以下類型化:一、違反消防法規行為與火災侵害間之因果關係;二、違反消防法規行為與他人行為構成共同因果關係;以及三、雖未違反消防法規,惟已違反法院所課予較法規範更高標準之「危險避免義務」,且與火災侵害間具有因果關係者等三者,分析法院對於火災案件中關於責任成立因果關係之思考脈絡及論述內容,並提出本論文之觀點及若干想法。


This thesis selects the causation in tort law as the focal point. When claiming tortious indemnification, victims of fire disasters particularly encounter predicaments where both causes of fire and offenders are unknown due to fire scene destroyed in blistering temperature or ravaged in rescue operations. This thesis, accordingly, explores the issue of causation particularly, systematizes relevant court judgments in Taiwan, and comes up with the observation of this thesis, in a hope of advancing research into the issue of causation in tort liability of fire.   In addition to introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of three parts. The first part outlines fire service regulations in Taiwan, especially the management of fire prevention in current fire service laws. It explains the general rules of different types of location and singles out the regulations of special hazard with further illustration.   The second part reviews tort law. It describes the legal basis (Anspruchsgrundlage) and the theories for the claim of tort liability for fire and the important criteria to examine causation in tort, including proximate causation (Adaquanztheorie, the adequate cause theory), the protective purpose of the rule (Schutzzweck der Haftungsnorm), etc.   Based on above mentioned research, the third part analyzes court judgments and categorizes them as follows: firstly, the causation between violations of fire service acts and subsequent fire damage; secondly, the additive causation (Addierte Kausalität) caused by violations of fire service acts and others' behaviors; thirdly, the causation between subsequent fire damage and violations of "the duty to avoid dangers", a stricter duty imposed by court than statutory obligations, in the instances where no violation of fire service laws occurs. This part uses case analysis to pave the groundwork to examine liability-grounding causation (haftungsbegründende Kausalität) in tort liability for fire and provides the observation and suggestions of this thesis.


