  • 學位論文


A LoRa-based IoT System Using Asterisk for Low Power Wide Area Networks

指導教授 : 陳裕賢


本論文將研究在低功率廣域網路下,以實現遠距離通訊為目標,並結合傳統電話語音撥打方式與網際網路做整合之架構,雖然短距離無線通訊有著高傳輸率與組網能力強等優勢,漸漸無法達到現今物聯網的需求,範圍仍然是一個極其重要的因素,當訊息交換是發生在遠距離情況下,需透過中繼站轉發封包來達成遠距離接收之目標,造成現有物聯網應用方案費用十分高昂,為了解決這個問題,本論文設計一個LoRa-based IoT System,LoRaTM是目前逐漸起步的傳輸技術,藉由Semtech LoRa無線技術,其傳輸距離可達數公里,無需依靠中繼站來轉發封包,可有效降低基礎設施成本,同時能夠讓多個感測節點輕易地連接到LoRa Gateway,未來物聯網的連線相信是會以遠距無線感測網路為主。實作結果指出本文中LoRa Gateway能有效接收來自遠距離感測節點所傳送之封包。


In this paper, we discuss on the low power wide area networks (LPWAN), in order to achieve long- distance communication as the goal, combined with the telephone voice dialing mode and make the integration of the Internet architecture. The traditional IoT mechanisms belong to passive return data. This paper designs a LoRa-based IoT System. The system takes the advantage of Asterisk dial-up service and receives the necessary information from the remote sensor networking through LoRa. With Semtech LoRa wireless technology, the, transmission distance of up to several kilometers. The packets need not depend on the relay station forward packets. Therefore, the LoRa can effectively reduce infrastructure high costs. The LoRa enables multiple sensing nodes easily connected to LoRa gateway. Experiment result illustrates the LoRa gateway can effectively receive packets from the remote sensor node.


IoT LoRa SIP Low Power Wide Area Networks


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