  • 學位論文


Greenhouse Emission Inventory Analysis and Energy Management System Implementation of A Memory Module Fabrication

指導教授 : 李育明


隨著溫室氣體減量及管理法的施行,溫室氣體排放量最大占比的工業部門首當其衝,其中,電子產業更面臨溫室氣體減量的巨大壓力。若再考量日趨嚴峻的國際環保規範及客戶要求,產業在環境永續發展的前提下,創造友善工作環境及善盡社會責任,將是企業後續之努力重點。 本研究以國內某一記憶體模組製造商為對象,進行溫室氣體盤查與能源管理系統建置案例研究,探討多重廠區完成溫室氣體盤查後變更組織邊界,其新舊廠間差異與未來可執行之改善方案。並探討該公司新廠址導入ISO 50001能源管理系統,回推至未搬遷前能源管理系統及新舊廠差異性。最後整合ISO 14064-1及ISO 50001標準中重要的規範,引進利害關係人議合及第二者查證觀點,檢視溫室氣體盤查及能源管理系統缺失與可改善之方案。 結果顯示,案例公司2015年新廠溫室氣體排放量較2012年舊廠排放量減少30.694噸CO2-e /年,約減少1.7%。且歷年能源間接排放量皆占總量99%以上。透過能源管理系統的建置及查核,訂定能源管理政策改善目標為每年全廠總耗電量相較前一年減少1%。運用新技術/科技及資源,掌握能資源之使用與耗損,藉由節能減碳及資源再利用,提升能源使用效率,實踐環保、健康、節能的生活,落實企業社會責任,環境永續發展目標。 最後,依AA1000 SES-2011(利害關係人議合標準)及ISAE 3000標準,鑑別利害關係人關切議題,建立利害關係人不同管道的溝通方式。並經由GRI G4版中,環境面向之節能減碳指南與EICC(C.環境)單元之能源消耗和溫室氣體排放等議題,於企業社會責任報告書中自願性揭露。再由第二者查證,稽核所揭露之資訊。 關鍵字:溫室氣體盤查、能源管理系統、第二者查證、利害關係人議合


With the implementation of greenhouse gas reduction and management Act, the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions in industrial sectors bear the brunt, wherein the electronic industry also face enormous pressure reducing greenhouse gases. If more consideration increasingly severe international environmental standards and customer requirements, the premise of industry on the environment and sustainable development, and create a friendly work environment and fulfill social responsibility, enterprises will be the focus of follow-up efforts. In this study, a domestic manufacturer of memory module for the object, greenhouse gases inventory and energy management systems to build case studies to discuss multiple plant after completion of the greenhouse gas inventory change organizational boundaries, the difference between the old and new plant and future executable the improvement program. And to explore the company's new plant to import ISO 50001 energy management system, and pushed back the establishment of energy management system in the old plant, compare differences between old and new plants. Finally, the integration of ISO 14064-1 and ISO 50001 standards in two important specification then the introduction of Stakeholder Engagement and Second-party verification, review and deletions of programs can improve GHG inventory and energy management systems. The consequence shows that case the company in 2015 new plants reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 compared with the old plant emissions 30.694 tons of CO2-e/year, a reduction of about 1.7%. and energy indirect emissions are accounted for more than 99% of the calendar year. Through energy management systems and build checking, improved energy management policy targets are set for the whole plant total annual electricity consumption compared to the previous year decreased by 1%. Uses new technologies/technology and resources to master the use and depletion of resources, by means of energy saving and carbon reduction and resource recycling, energy efficiency, green practices, healthy, energy-efficient living, implementing corporate social responsibility, environmental and sustainable development goals. Finally, according to AA1000 SES-2011 (Stakeholder Engagement Standard) and ISAE 3000 standards, Identification of the interested parties and significant topics and establish responding engagement channels. According to GRI G4 version environment element of carbon reduction guidelines and EICC (C. Environment unit) of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions issues, Voluntary disclosure on corporate social responsibility report. Then through the Second-party verification to the audit disclosed the information. Keywords: Energy management systems, Greenhouse gas inventory, Second-party verification , Stakeholder Engagement


