  • 學位論文


Acceptance to Technology with the Cognitive Absorption and Network Externalities: A Cross-National Empirical Study of Social Network Sites.

指導教授 : 方文昌


由於社交網路網站的快速發展,而且使用的人數也快速攀升,社交網路網站成為人與人之間溝通的重要工具。由於過去的文獻較少以認知專注力與網路外部性來研究社交網路網站的採用行為。因此,本研究以科技接受模型為基礎,結合認知專注力與網路外部性來針對社交網路網站使用者的採用行為進行研究,並且以跨國研究的觀點比較台灣與美國社交網路網站的使用者之採用行為是否有所差異。 此研究採用最小平方法(PLS)來檢視各變數的效果。研究結果發現,此研究架構對台灣與美國的社交網路網站使用者之採用行為皆有良好的解釋能力,且認知專注力與網路外部性為影響使用者採用行為之重要因素。最後,此研究也發現利用此架構中的變數來衡量使用者採用行為,如科技效用、認知專注力與網路外部性在針對台灣與美國使用者會有不同影響效果。


Social network sites (SNSs) are likely to become increasingly popular in the near future, and the users of social network sites increase at an astonishing rate. So it may become an important means of interpersonal communication. Few studies have focused on the adoption and acceptance of SNS with cognitive absorption and network externality. Nor have previous research investigated into SNS by cross-national comparison perspective. The purpose of this study is to extend technology adoption model (TAM) with cognitive absorption and network externality to examine whether the research framework validly measures the user behavioral intention and actual usage behavior of social network sites in different countries, including Taiwan and US. This study uses survey method to collect the data and uses Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to analyze the data and examine the effects of variables. The empirical results support the importance of cognitive absorption and network externality in considering SNS acceptance, and also show that the research framework has strong explanation power in Taiwan and US. Moreover, the results also find that the differences in predicting the users’ adoption of social network sites in two different countries. Thus, the results of our study provide several implications to practitioners and researchers for future research.


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