  • 學位論文


The study on the evidence of the forensic psychiatric evaluation of determinants of the judges (Panchiao District Court as an example).

指導教授 : 黃富源


民國94年,刑法19條內容修正後,取消了心神喪失與精神耗弱之用語,改以較為明確的字句來描述責任能力,期望能拉近精神醫學界與法律界對於精神鑑定的判定標準。本研究旨在了解醫師與法官鑑定責任能力等級之相關因子,亦探討刑法十九條的修正及相關自變項,是否影響法官採納精神鑑定之一致性,及法官交付監護處分之決定因素。 本研究採資料分析法,以板橋地方法院90年至98年,曾交付精神鑑定之刑事判決書為樣本進行資料分析,收案件數為458件,有效件數為386件,比較民國94年刑法十九條修正前後、民國95年實施前後,與鑑定醫師所使用之新舊法名詞,是否影響法官採納之一致性;並分析醫師與法官在判定責任能力等級時與相關自變項如犯罪人基本變項、犯罪行為變項、被害人變項及鑑定醫師變項等是否相關;同時分析法官交付監護處分與相關自變項之關聯性。研究者經描述性統計、卡方檢定、二項式與多項式邏輯式迴歸分析處理資料,獲得研究結果並提出結論與建議。 研究發現,不論以修法前後、新法實施前後或是鑑定醫師使用新舊法律名詞,都顯示舊法之一致性顯著高於新法,也就是說刑法十九條的修正與實施,反而使法官更不採納精神鑑定之結果。醫師鑑定責任能力時,當犯罪者在犯罪過程中存在精神症狀、過去曾有精神科病史與過去未接受治療者,醫師傾向鑑定為責任能力下降或喪失,而當犯罪後無法記得犯罪過程時,醫師更傾向於鑑定為無責任能力。法官判定責任能力時,主要參照醫師的鑑定結果,尤其當醫師鑑定為部分責任能力等級時,法官採用的一致性最高,且與其他能力等級達到顯著差異。此外,針對法官交付監護處分的判決中,「醫師的建議」是影響法官判處監護處分的重要因素。 本研究建議精神醫學界:對於「犯罪當時」應給予一個明確定義、鑑定時應注重精神障礙對於行為的影響與因果關係之判定、增加對於犯罪者再犯危險評估,並對於後續治療方向做出建議、提高對於原因自由行為的認定、加強對於酒後失憶的責任能力的釐清。 本研究建議法律界:增加法官對於精神疾病與症狀的認識、對於監護處分的落實與監護期間標準能制訂一致標準、增加原因自由行為的判定能力、落實輔佐人制度、可增加交互詰問的比例、對於部分責任能力的減刑應有一致的標準。 最後針對跨領域的建議為:增加醫學界與法律界的教育訓練、定期召開跨領域之研討會、定期召開跨領域之協調會。


The Criminal Code had been revised in 2005, and new description of criminal responsibility expected to reduce difference of the forensic psychiatric evaluation between psychiatrists and judges. This study aimed to explore the relationship between conclusions of forensic psychiatric evaluation and their acceptance by the judges. It also investigated related factors that affected the acceptance of the judges. Criminal judgments which had been delivered for forensic psychiatric evaluation from Panchiao District Court between 2001 and 2009 were included. Concordance between each conclusion of forensic psyhiatric evaluation and the court decision was analyzed. 386 effective samples were gained and analyzed by applying methods as: descriptive statistical analyses, Chi-squared, independent t-test and logistic regression analysis.The analyses were carried out using Statistical Package for Social Science software version 19 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA). The data indicated that the concordance rate was significant higher before Criminal Code amending (p<0.05). When evaluating the criminal responsibility by psychiatrists, positive psychotic symptoms during the criminal process, psychiatric histories and never receiving treatment tended to been identified as diminished responsibility or insanity and the amnesias were the most important factors for insanity. The result of forensic psychiatric evaluation was the most important factor for the court’s decisions. Some suggestions for psychiatrists were as following: to make a clear definition for mental status at the time of offense (MSO), focus on the causal relationship between criminal behaviors and mental disorders for forensic psychiatric evaluation, increase the assessment of recidivism risks and make recommendations for follow-up treatment, and clarify the criminal responsibility of the amnesia after drinking. Besides, judges should increase awareness of the mental illness and symptoms.Some suggestions for interdisciplinary were as following: to increase the education and training about forensic evaluation for the medical profession and the legal profession, and to convene interdisciplinary seminars and coordinations on a regular basis.




