  • 學位論文


A Research on the Formation and Transition of the Culture in the Military Dependents’ Village —Case Study of Zhongxin Village in Taipei

指導教授 : 曾漢珍


眷村,原為一臨時性的聚落,但是至今在台灣卻存在逾六十年,發展成為一個特殊的聚落,其中蘊含相當豐富的文化特徵與內涵。在眷村改建政策推動下,眷村已逐步消失中,關心眷村的人也開始注重眷村文化的保存。在眷村文化保存的議題上,值得省思的是眷村文化真正的內涵。眷村房舍的實質空間形式下所蘊含的非實質文化是眷村文化的精華所在,亦是本研究所要探討的重點。 透過文獻回顧了解,不同角度對於眷村的研究都展現其特殊性。本研究以台北市北投區中心新村為例,透過深入訪談與參與觀察,了解眷村的生活與文化。從中心新村第一代長輩不同的生命過程中,呈現他們創造的共同生活與價值,了解眷村文化形成與變遷的過程。每一個眷村都會形成自身眷村獨特的文化。透過不同的遷徙過程,最後聚焦到中心新村,發現許多生活中共同的文化特徵,本研究將這些文化分為四個面向,分別是節慶與生命禮俗、飲食、公共空間與生活與特殊副業來加以論述。 在這些文化特徵的論述中發現了中心新村眷村文化轉變的部分,分別有文化上的轉變以及情感上的轉變。原鄉的記憶與台灣的新生活促使他們的生活有了不同的樣貌,進而在情感上對於何處為家的概念有所改變。從形成與變遷之中,充分了解眷村文化的形式與內涵,藉此眷村文化與空間的深入剖析,可提供中心新村未來發展的參考。


Military Dependents’ Villages, were originally formed as provisional villages, but so far they have existed in Taiwan for over sixty years and have developed to a kind of special villages, in which contain very plentiful cultural characteristic and connotation. Under the enforcement of rebuilding the Military Dependents’ Village policy, Military Dependents’ Villages are gradually disappearing from Taiwan, and people who care about Military Dependents’ Villages are also start to pay attention to the preservation of Military Dependents’ Village culture. On the issue of preservation of Military Dependents’ Village culture, it is worth for people to introspect and think the real connotation of Military Dependents’ Villages. The essence of Military Dependents’ Villages culture is the intangible culture contained in the tangible space, which is formed under the houses of Military Dependents’ Villages, and it is also the point to discuss in this thesis. Through documents and records, we can understand that every research from each a point of view differently of Military Dependents’ Villages has its special characteristics. This study takes Zhongxin Village in Beitou district in Taipei for instance, through in-depth interview and participant observation to understand the living and culture of Military Dependents’ Villages. We can understand the formation and transaction of the culture of Military Dependents’ Villages from the different lifelong experiences of the first generation ancestors of Zhongxin Village, wherein they created their co-living and values. Every Military Dependents’ Village forms its unique culture. Through different migrations and ultimately focuses on Zhongxin Village, then discovers that many cultural characteristics in living were shared in each Military Dependents’ Village culture. This thesis parts these cultures into four subsections to expound, which are festivals, ceremonies in wedding and funeral, public space as well as living style, and sidelines. The transited parts of Zhongxin Village are discovered from the discussions of these cultural characteristics, and the transitions are in cultural and in affectional. The memories of native land and new lives in Taiwan push the life style of Zhongxin Village residents having different aspects, and therefore changed the affectional concept of where the hometown is. From the process of formation and transition, to understand the format and the connotation of Military Dependents’ Villages, and thereby to in-depth analyze the culture and space of Military Dependents’ Village as well as provide a reference of the future developing of Zhongxin Village.


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劉子瑄(2013)。眷村文化保存與再利用之研究 - 以信義公民會館暨文化公園(四四南村)為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00422
