  • 學位論文

從顧客價值觀點探討體驗行銷對顧客忠誠之影響 -以台灣國際精品服飾專賣店之實證研究

A Study on the Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Customer Loyalty via Customer Value Standpoint: The Case of Taiwan Luxury Brand Flagship Store

指導教授 : 劉祥熹 詹毓玲


Pine II and Gilmore(1998)指出經濟演進已進入「體驗經濟」時代。隨著體驗經濟時代的來臨,產品與服務的提供,已不能滿足消費者趨向渴望體驗的消費型態;企業應藉由消費情境氛圍的塑造,讓消費者有較好的消費體驗,進而對產品或品牌產生體驗價值,達到顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠。 Schmitt(1999)提出「體驗行銷」的概念,即是藉由情境的塑造,讓消費者有著美好的使用經驗,進而產生有價值的體驗。且認為體驗行銷與傳統行銷最大差異是,傳統行銷著重於產品功能與效益,體驗行銷則將其焦點擴大到整體的消費情境與品牌經驗,將品牌訴求與顧客體驗相結合。然而最常與體驗相結合的研究為餐飲服務業,目前尚未有流行產業結合體驗行銷方面的研究,精品服飾業為流行產業之一環,消費情境的塑造與顧客體驗價值的提升對精品服飾業者是相當重要的競爭策略,因此本研究以國際精品服飾業為例,利用結構方程模式(SEM)驗證體驗行銷、顧客價值與顧客忠誠的關聯與影響性,期望能達到下列四項目的: 1. 探討體驗行銷對顧客忠誠之影響。 2. 探討顧客價值是否能透過體驗行銷的進行而產生。 3. 探討顧客價值對顧客忠誠之影響。 4. 驗證體驗行銷、顧客價值與顧客忠誠之理論架構與關聯模式。 研究結果證實,體驗行銷對顧客忠誠並未有顯著的正向影響;而體驗行銷對顧客價值有顯著的正向影響;顧客價值對顧客忠誠有顯著的正向影響。同時體驗行銷會透過顧客價值對顧客忠誠有顯著的正向影響,因此國際精品服飾業在進行體驗行銷之經營策略時,若對顧客忠誠有顯著的正向影響,必須有顧客價值做為中介變數導引方可成立。同時研究發現五個策略體驗中最重要的影響因素為關聯體驗,顧客價值中最為顯著的為社會性價值,因此精品服飾業者在資源有限的情況下,應首重關聯體驗的塑造及加強社會性價值的建立,以獲得顧客滿意及忠誠,進而達到永續經營的目的。


Pine II and Gilmore (1998) thought the economy evolution has been shifted to the era of experience economy. Consumers are expecting the unique shopping experience and have no longer satisfied by the tangible commodities and services in this era. The enterprise should focus on building an impressive shopping atmosphere and providing customers valuable experience in order to obtain customers satisfaction and loyalty. Schmitt (1999) thought the difference of the experiential marketing and traditional marketing are: the traditional marketing focuses on product itself and the experiential marketing emphasizes customer’s shopping and brand experiences. However, from the past academic researches of experiential marketing, there are seldom in fashion industry. Therefore, the luxury brand flagship store in Taiwan will be the study case. The study uses SEM to examine the relationship of the experiential marketing, customer value and customer loyalty, and is aim to achieve the following purposes: 1. To examine the relationship between experiential marketing and customer loyalty. 2. To find out whether customer value can be created by experiential marketing. 3. To examine the relationship between customer value and customer loyalty. 4. To Establish the relation model of experiential marketing, customer value and customer loyalty. The results show that customer loyalty can not be directly influenced by experiential marketing; customer value can be created by experiential marketing, and customer loyalty can be influenced by customer value. In addition, the result has found that relation experience will be the most important factor to the luxury fashion industry, and the social value is the crucial value to customers. According to the result, the enterprises should focus the strategy on relation experience and social value within the limited resources to achieve their business objectives.


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