  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Blue Line Subway on House Prices in Different Locations─Taipei City and New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳俊志


本文以營運一段時間的台北捷運藍線所經過之台北市、新北市地區(包括台北市信義、大安、中正、萬華與新北市板橋、土城共6個行政區)為研究範圍,收集2009年至2011年間上述6個行政區之內總計4611筆房屋資料為研究樣本,其中包含台北市房屋樣本2549筆,新北市房屋樣本2062筆,並使用多元迴歸估計法來分析台北市、新北市房價受捷運影響之程度差異,也探討其他房屋屬性、特徵對於房價之影響是否在台北市、新北市兩地區間有所不同。 實證結果發現下列現象:首先,本文最在乎的捷運變數方面,台北市、新北市兩地區,無論以300公尺或500公尺劃分捷運站影響範圍,皆得到非捷運區的房屋其總價低於捷運區的房屋,當捷運站的服務範圍若劃分較大,則非捷運區的房屋與捷運區的房屋之價差也會比較大的相同結論,表示距離捷運站越遠則房價越低。但是,不管以多少公尺劃分捷運站影響範圍,台北市地區捷運區與非捷運區的房價差距,均小於新北市地區捷運區與非捷運區的房價差距;其他房屋屬性、特徵方面,屋齡對台北市地區房價之負向影響較新北市地區小;頂樓對於台北市地區房價有正向且顯著的影響,對於新北市地區房價卻無顯著影響;最後,商業區對於台北市地區房價有負向且顯著的影響,對於新北市地區房價卻無顯著影響。


We collected 4,611 house observations during 2009-2011 in Taipei City (including Xinyi, Daan, Zhongzheng and Wanhua districts) and New Taipei City (including Banqiao and Tucheng districts) where Blue Line Subway passed through after a period of time. We utilized multiple regression estimation as our methodology to analyze whether Blue Line Subway affected the house prices in Taipei City and New Taipei City differently. Also, we examined other house attributes whether have distinct effects on house prices in these two cities. Empirical results indicate that house prices in station area are significantly higher than those in non-station area no matter which range (300m or 500m) has been used to divide the distance to subway station into station area and non-station area. However, house prices gap between station area and non-station area in Taipei City are less than that in New Taipei City. Besides, variable house age has less negative impact on house prices in Taipei City than in New Taipei City, variable top floor has significantly positive impact on house prices in Taipei City while it has no impact in New Taipei City, variable commercial area has remarkably negative impact on house prices in Taipei City but it has no impact in New Taipei City.


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