  • 學位論文


Discussion on the relevance between candidate names and election results

指導教授 : 雷淑儀


本研究嘗試運用傳統的算命術-姓名學,透過命理解析了解候選人姓名運勢強弱;並運用統計工具的檢定,探討與選舉結果之關聯性。研究對象為歷屆直選總統選舉(第9任(1996年)~第12任(2008年)) 、第1屆直轄市市長五都選舉( 2010年)以及第16屆縣(市)長選舉(2009年)之參選人。 生肖姓名學是取用古聖先賢的造字學、拆字學以及生肖學為架構,運用春秋禮數和萬有引力為法則,以生肖的屬性和五行為主體,以姓名的象形、諧音、會意和五行為客體,由主體來比對客體,探討客體提供主體是相生的助力,還是相剋或相刑的阻力之一門裝飾先天八字的學問。生肖姓名學將名字分天、人、地三部份,每部份細分陰、陽兩小部份,看姓名天人地每部份之陰陽兩邊的形、音、義,對照生肖天干地支的靈動、助力或阻力等等,不僅可以用來預測個人運勢的訊息,並可細膩且嚴謹地推斷週遭者互動的關係。 簡單的說,生肖姓名學的主體就是個人的出生年的生肖天干地支,客體就是其姓名的天格、地格以及人格的陰陽兩邊的元件組成,由主客體對應彼此的生肖喜忌與五行生剋關係來論斷吉凶禍福。 關鍵詞:姓名學、選舉、命理


姓名學 選舉 命理


In this study, traditional fortune-telling techniques - anthroponymy was applied to understand the strength and the fortune of the candidates in the elections. Meanwhile, statistical tools were also used to testify the validity of the results. The objects of the study were the results of previous presidential elections (the ninth to the twelfth (1996-2008)), the first session of the municipal mayoral election and five provincial city mayoral election (2010), and the 16th county (city) mayoral election of the candidates (2009). Zodiac anthroponymy is based on the framework of ancient character-building, character-splitting and the science of zodiac and the principle of the Spring and Autumn Etiquette and the law of gravity. By the means of the subjects of the Chinese zodiac property , the five elements and the objects of figure, euphony, knowing and the five elements of the name, opposing the objects against the subjects to know the assistance or resistance, zodiac anthroponymy is the science to modify the birth date characters used in fortune-telling. Zodiac anthroponymy separates the name into three parts, heaven, earth and human, and each part could be further divided into two small sides, yin and yang. The shape, sound and meaning of each yin and yang side of three parts could be contrasted to the factors such as flexibility, assistance and resistance of the zodiac heavenly stems. It could be used not only to predict the fortune of person, but also to deduce the interaction around person. In brief, zodiac anthroponymy analyzes the relationship of the subjects, the Chinese zodiac and the heavenly stems, and the object, the three parts, heaven, earth and human, of the name, and the contrastive analysis of Chinese zodiac and five elements could be inferred to predict individual fortune. Keywords : election , Zodiac anthroponymy


election Zodiac anthroponymy


10.張順全、莊文忠,2008,探索選民的投票行為變化:應用機率分配模型的. 預測方法」,選舉研究,15(2),91-117
15.蘇建州(2002)台灣2000年總統選舉民調之準確度評量與影響因素分析, 調查研究期刊,12,91-109。
16.蘇建州(2007)選舉民調中的非抽樣誤差與加權估計問題, 調查研究期刊,21,9-29


