  • 學位論文


The Analyze and Design of Business Models for Digital Content

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


數位內容是目前與未來的重要產業,隨著上網人口的增加,把實體內容數位化漸漸成為一種趨勢。但目前數位內容的商業模式除了數位遊戲外,並無一個較完整且可確定獲利的商業模式,目前相關業者對於數位內容的商業模式都尚處於嘗試的階段,靠著政府的推行與參考國內外的案例,業者努力推行數位內容,期待有朝一日可以讓數位內容被更多消費者接受。 目前在電子商務中,實體商品部份已經廣泛的被接受,但數位內容的商業模式、交易機制與數位版權管理機制都尚未有個定論,因此本研究透過探討目前實體、數位出版業與實體、數位音樂業的供應鏈,設計出了數位內容的供應鏈,接著便參考電子市集的交易模式,加上數位版權管理的機制,設計出整個數位內容從提供到獲取階段的流程,希望可以達到集中控管數位內容、版權與角色權限之目的,最後,參考學者提出的商業模式文獻與國內外成功的數位內容案例,分析並設計出數位內容的商業模式。在驗證部份,藉著與業界專家訪談,從中直接或間接的驗證本研究數位內容商業模式的模型,並作適當調整。 最終本研究完成了數位內容交易平台之規劃、數位內容商業模式之建構、訂定數種數位內容的版權管理機制、數位內容商業模式對數位落差地區之應用與導入本研究商業模式至版權法條已訂定的國家。希望未來藉由這個數位內容商業模式的建構,再加上政府機關的推動,可提供相關業者做參考,並真正獲利。


Digital content is an important industry now, even in the future. By increasing population on the internet, people started to convert physical content into digital content, and this action becomes a trend. Except the digital game, the business models of digital content are not complete, and also not able to make profit nowadays. Although this is a trying step, Dealers still make an effort to promote digital content through the government’s help and the success business models from domestic and abroad. Dealers hope that consumer will accept digital content one day. In electronic commerce, most people accept buying physical goods. But the business models of digital content、transaction mechanism, and digital rights management were without conclusions. For the reasons upward, this research would be made to collect the information about supply chain of the physical and digital publishing industry、the supply chain of physical and digital music industry.Finally, a supply chain of digital content would be designed. And then, we tried to follow the transaction mechanism of the electronic market, plus digital rights management mechanism, and a flow path from providing digital content to gain digital content would be designed. The purpose of upward step was centralizing digital content、rights and rights of each role. At last, referring scholars’ points of business models and found some success case, then analyzed and designed the business models of digital content. For the verification part, we made an interview with some experts of digital content, and tried to verify the business models of digital content in this research, also trying to modify the models properly. Eventually, the attributions of this study were planning the trading platform of digital content、constructing business models of digital content、making some ways for digital rights management of digital content、applying the business models to the areas which contain digital divide, and use the business models to the countries which provide complete law of rights. In the future, we hope that this research can be a reference for some related dealers, and also gaining profit via constructing the business models of digital content, and the government’s promote.


13.洪偉程(2009),基於OMA DRM 2.0規範的數位版權管理架構之實現,國立成功大學工程科學系碩士論文。


