  • 學位論文


Community Participation in the Taipei Beautiful II Plan: the Sugarcoat of Urban Regenerarion? Case Studies of the Roosevelt Road Green Life Axis

指導教授 : 林文一


為配合2010年臺北國際花卉博覽會,臺北市政府推出臺北好好看系列計畫等綠美化環境政策改造城市景觀風貌,用以加速提升城市競爭力邁向都市再生。系列二計畫由於建商/地主可藉短暫的綠美化換取容積獎勵而引起廣泛討論,使其成為系列計畫備受注目及爭議的一環;政府單位試圖針對相關生態永續概念培育和公共領域建構等議題,利用短期性的社區參與手法促使房地產開發合理化。 根據政府這樣的應對策略,本研究問題第一主要為了解在以十八個月為期限的案例中,暫時性的參與如何被形塑而成;第二為個案中永續或公共性等議題如何被透過社區參與的手段與過程來協助都市再生政策的推動;第三是此種利用暫時性的社區參與手法塑造的綠地換取容積獎勵之都市再生政策所隱含之問題。 本研究以質性方法對個案進行深入研究,透過文本資料分析、田野調查、深度訪談等剖析實際參與的情形。研究發現如下:一、政府單位宣稱建立由下而上的參與及把社區的力量拉進政策中是重要的,但根據本研究的調查,個案中仍是採用由上而下菁英式參與的手法。二、為配合政府單位要求在短暫的期限內塑造議題式的空間,政策執行者透過參與活動的方式傳達生態永續的意象,因而淪為虛構的永續及公共性。三、總結本研究對個案的了解,認為係以象徵性的參與為主;此種疑似擾動市民參與熱情而換取容積的綠美化政策,實則為利用社區參與名義來包裝房地產導向的都市再生策略,似乎蒙蔽了參與的意涵。


In order to cooperate with 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition and accelerate the competitiveness of the city to achieve the purpose of urban regeneration, Taipei City Government has launched the Taipei Beautiful Project and other related green life policy to enhance the urban landscape. Taipei Beautiful Series II has been widely discussed and has become a controversial part of the whole project as the developers and landowners are able to receive Floor Area Incentive provided by the government through temporarily implanting the green. The government is trying to focus on the issues like cultivating the concepts of the ecology and sustainability and building up the public sphere to rationalize the property-led regeneration through short-term community participation. In respond to the government policy, my first concern of the research is to understand how the temporary participation is formed in the case of eighteen-month-period project. Second, how can the issues such as “ Sustainability ”and“ Public ” facilitate the promotion of the Urban Regeneration policy through community participation. Third, the concealed problems of the Urban Regeneration Policy as a result of the temporarily community participation in building the green spaces in exchange for the floor incentive. The method included qualitative interviews and literature analysis for exploring the relationship between the Urban Regeneration policy and the community participation. The conclusions exhibited that; First, the government claimed that it is essential to build up a bottom-up participation and involve the community participation. It also illustrates the “green spaces” is in accordance with the general need of the residence. However, according to the further investigation, whoever executed the policy remains top-down elite participation. Second, in order to create room for issues over a short period of time, the images of ecology and sustainability conveying through activity participation, have become spurious and false. Third, based on the study of the research, it can be concluded that the government mainly focuses on a symbolic participation. It arouse the citizens’ enthusiasm in participating the environment improvement in exchange for the floor area incentive to sugarcoat the property-led regeneration. As a result, it has distorted the good intention of participants.


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