  • 學位論文


The Influence of Changing Inventory Management Policy to Store Performances: A Case from 3C Chain Stores

指導教授 : 朱炫璉


零售業所經營的商品必須多樣以符合顧客多變的需求,所以門市中如何擺設豐富的商品品項及充裕的數量,又不會讓企業面臨大量積壓的存貨成本,一直廣受各方討論。因此,如何設計出一套良好的存貨管理模式是零售業重要的管理議題。過去許多文獻指出透過區域性倉庫進行倉儲和缺貨管理可以降低倉儲成本和不必要的運輸費用。為瞭解決存貨不精確和存貨成本過高的問題,個案公司希望將原先存貨由門市自行管理改為利用區域性倉庫進行倉儲管理和缺貨管理,以求減少庫存成本和及時因應顧客多變的需求。因此,本研究目的即檢視個案公司在進行存貨流程改變後對零售業門市存貨管理績效之影響。 本研究以存貨週轉率來評估門市存貨管理之績效,第一部份先利用模擬個案公司存貨流程改變之方式來檢驗改變前後之績效差異;而在第二部份中以實證研究分析存貨管理流程實際改變後對門市存貨管理績效之影響。茲將本結論分述如下:1.模擬的結果顯示存貨管理流程改變後,其存貨週轉率都有顯著的提升。2. 而實證研究結果顯示在存貨管理流程改變政策實施之後,對門市存貨管理績效呈現負向的影響。本研究的實證結果和模擬結果有所出入,表示個案公司在推動此項計畫時,並沒有因為增設區域性倉庫而成功達成降低庫存成本和增加利潤的成效。根據本研究與個案公司定期會議及深度訪談的過程中,推論個案公司實施績效不佳的原因乃為實施時間過短,組織溝通不良,沒有強制實施該政策等原因。


The retailers used to provide various goods to response customers’ demand that always result in huge inventory cost. As a result, inventory management policy is critical to retailing companies. Many studies have indicated that using regional warehouse to manage storage and stock-out of inventory could help retailers reduce the storage cost and transportation cost. The primary objective of this research is to examine the impact of changing inventory management policy on store inventory management performance. In this study, inventory turn over is used to measure the inventory management performance. First, the study used the simulate method to examine the performance effect of changing the inventory management policy. Then, the paper investigates the effect of actual changing the inventory management policy on store inventory management performance. The simulate results indicate that inventory turn over increases after changing the inventory management policy. However, the store inventory turn over did not improve after the case retailer changing inventory management policy. The simulate results and real results are different. It meant that store performance didn’t be improved after the retailer set up the regional warehouses. According to discussion with top managers, lacking of organizational communication, enforcement of policy and short of practical period might led to failures of inventory management policy.


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