  • 學位論文

所得來源類別與犯罪— 以臺灣1999-2008年縣市資料為例

Income Source and Crime in Taiwan, 1999-2008

指導教授 : 張文俊


犯罪問題與人類歷史相同的古老,科技的進步、民生的富庶並未使犯罪問題消失,反而在資本市場、自由經濟發展下,所得分配不均惡化,社會公平正義屢受挑戰,促使犯罪問題日趨嚴重。然而,僅就所得分配不均,可能無法完全描述所得對犯罪問題的影響,所得來自於辛勤的血汗還是瞬息萬變的金融市場,相同的一塊錢,截然不同的主觀感受,正因獲取所得的過程及支付代價的不同,Alesina and Angeletos (2005)提出所得來源公平性是悠關社會公平正義的重要問題。不公平是犯罪行為最原始的動機及最正當的藉口。然而,目前所得與犯罪率的文獻,多僅著墨於所得分配不均對犯罪率的影響,尚未進一步以所得來源的差異探討其與犯罪的關係,因此本文期望藉由1999-2008年台灣23個縣市資料,窺探所得來源的差異與犯罪率間的關係,並驗證各類所得來源的公平正義程度。 本研究所使用財政部財稅資料中心之綜合所得稅申報核定統計專冊及行政院主計處各縣市重要指標之縱橫資料,並利用固定效果模型探討台灣地區勞動所得及資本所得對犯罪率的影響力,實證結果顯示未加入時間虛擬變數前,勞動所得及資本所得與犯罪率的關係皆不具顯著性,控制年度時間虛擬變數後,勞動所得與總體犯罪呈負相關,本研究以探討所得來源差異與犯罪率之影響,未獲全面支持,勞動所得及資本所得的公平正義性仍待更多實證研究的驗證。


Crime is an old and important social problem almost in every society. While fighting crime with advanced technology does not make it easier, criminal activities even become more widespread with the improvement of living in human societies. In modern society, crime problem has become more severe as the capitalism and free open market have made the distribution of income more unequal. However, the result of income inequity cannot fully explain all the effects of income distribution on crime. Making the same one dollar from hard working or from the profits of stock trading and real estate transaction has a significant difference in the process of generating income. As Alesina and Angeletors (2005) mentioned that “why societies consider particular sources of income fair and others unfair” is an important question about justice, people's motivations of committing crime are strongly affected by their perception about social justice. Unfairness is one of the most likely excuses for conducting deviating behaviors. However, there are only a few studies in previous literature focusing on the relationship between income source and crime. The objective of this paper is to examine whether there is an association between income source and crime rate with the data drawing from the Financial Data Center and the Ministry of Finance and Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of Taiwan. The results from the estimations of fixed effect model show that there is no significant relationship between labor income or capital income and crime rate. However, after adding a time dummy variable, it is found that labor income is negatively associated with total crime rate. Even we don't have a consistent conclusion on the relationship between income source and crime rate, the characteristics of labor income and capital income reflecting the perception about social justice still deserve much more attentions and further research.


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鄭雅文(2016)。經濟景氣、警政、人口結構對犯罪率之影響, 以台灣1996年至2010年的縣市動態資料分析。〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201610387
