  • 學位論文


A Sociological Analysis of the Changes of Life Insurance Marketing Channels in Taiwan: Organization, Institution and Environment

指導教授 : 張清富


本論文所稱人身保險行銷通路之「變革」是一種制度上的變遷(演化)。「變革」乃立基於新制度主義下,強調歷史制度主義之制度的動態與變遷的研究。政府在「法規」與「命令」上持續地修正的歷史過程裡,形塑了制度的動態與變遷;並經由制度的動態演化而扣合組織與環境,進而以新制度主義及組織群體區位學視角進行人身保險行銷通路演化的因果關係推演。 整體社會組織生活就是經濟體系的運行,資本主義之世界經濟體系架構裡,壽險產業為金融體系之一員。由於壽險產業置身於整體經濟體系裡為一種鑲嵌,經濟體系裡任何細微的變動皆會影響壽險組織產業。本研究在制度兩個取向:將環境作為制度取向及將組織視為制度取向的觀點下,透過臺灣經濟發展、人身保險業發展與保險行銷歷史的探討及目前臺灣人身保險業現況及保險監督管理制度的認識,經由新制度論及組織群體生態論進行壽險行銷通路的組織與環境的因果推演。保險法修訂沿革過程即是政府透過動態的政治過程建構保險市場,以及因應總體經濟環境變化而牽動組織環境的變動,進而促成整體制度環境的調整。壽險產業組織群體在合法性機制規範下進行多元化經營策略,並從而對人身保險行銷通路演化現象有進一步不同於商學院的認識視角。


In this paper, the “change” of life insurance marketing channels means an institutional movement/evolution. The “change” is based on New Institutionalism, emphasizing that this research is about the dynamism and change of institution in historical institutionalism. The law and regulation and mandate are modified by the government year after year, which makes the dynamism and change of institution, and the dynamic change of institution connects organization with environment. Further, from the viewpoint of New Institutionalism and the Population Ecology of Organization, this research deduces the causal relationship of the change of life insurance marketing channels. The life of the whole social organization is the operation of the economic system. In the structure of world economic system of capitalism, life insurance industry is a part of the financial system. Life insurance industry, as an inlay of the whole economic system, will be influenced by any small changes in this system. This research focuses on two institutional orientations: environment and organization. Not only by discussing the economic development in Taiwan, the development of life insurance industry, and the history of insurance marketing, but also by knowing the current situation of life insurance industry in Taiwan as well as the insurance supervision system, this research uses the New Institutionalism and the Population Ecology of Organization to deduce the causal relationship of the organization and environment of life insurance marketing channels. The amendment of the insurance law is the dynamic political process in which the government builds the insurance markets. In this process, the organization and environment change with the macro economy and promote the adjustment of the whole institutional environment. Regulated by Legitimacy Mechanism, life insurance industry organizations use multiple business strategies and have a different prospective from that of the college of business in the evolutionary phenomena of life insurance marketing channels. Key Words: Historical Institutionalism; The Population Ecology of Organization; Life Insurance Marketing Channels


