  • 學位論文


Determinant Factors of Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure – An Empirical Study of Listed Electronic Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


考量國內,不論是政府、學術界或企業界在環境資訊揭露部份都還處於開展階段,而台灣電子產業中許多子產業的產出已在全球佔有一席之地,若以世界潮流觀之,增加環境資訊的揭露,應該已是一個無可迴避的重要課題。面對國際時勢,我國終於在2008年12月25日更新法令,增加環境資訊揭露的要求,促使CSR揭露的規範從原先的單純環保支出面向,擴展至包含全部社會責任的各個面向。本研究的目的,乃希冀瞭解在新增的環境資訊揭露法規前提下,國內上市電子業環境資訊揭露的情形是否改變,並且進一步探究影響台灣上市電子業環境揭露的因素。在研究進行中,礙於國內對環境資訊揭露尚未有統一的規範,而過往廣為被引用的Wiseman(1982)量表,年代又稍微久遠,因此,在參酌相關文獻下,乃自行建構衡量環境資訊揭露程度的量表,此新發展的量表及其衡量的結果,乃為本研究的重要貢獻。 本研究以我國2008與2009年344家上市電子公司年報為研究樣本,透過內容分析法對年報中環境資訊揭露部份進行評分,並進行迴歸分析。從本研究建立之2008及2009年環境資訊揭露程度計分檔來予以分析,臺灣上市電子公司的環境資訊揭露情況還是有待加強的,因為,相較於預期總分的47分,344家總樣本中,有一半的公司得分僅有5分或6分,而80%的公司得分僅有12分或13分,而且在新法規公布後第一與第二年的環境資訊揭露部份,在傳統性題項的表現仍是優於新倡議的環保題項。至於迴歸模式檢測結果顯示外銷收入比率、十大股東持股比率、外資持股比率、財務狀況、上市年資、媒體報導程度與公司規模等,均是影響我國上市電子公司在環境資訊揭露的重要因素;而完整迴歸模式之解釋力,從2008年的17.9%增加為2009年的36.5%,儘管結果顯示新增的環境資訊揭露法規似乎已逐步發揮其影響力,但是,上市電子公司在環境資訊揭露程度上是被高度期許的,因此,本研究建議,不管是公司的管理當局或是政府主管機關都還應繼續努力,而環境會計教育也應持續加深及推廣。


On 2008/12/25, Taiwan government decreed to increase the important environmental information disclosure (EID) requirements. These new rules promoted corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure from the originally simple environmental expenditure specification to also include all the various social responsibility aspects for the first time. The aim of this study is hoping to understand whether the EID level of listed electronic companies in Taiwan has changed under the premise of the new disclosure rules, and to further explore the determinant factors of these firms’ EID. This study examines 344 listed electronics companies’ EID through content analysis for the year of 2008 and 2009. As compared with the expected total score of 47 points, nearly half of the sampled companies scored only 5 points or 6 points, while 80% of the sampled companies scored only 12 points or 13 points. The findings also evidence that firms are selectively opening their environmental information as there are more disclosure on the traditional environmental expenditure items than on the newly initiative green items. Therefore, EID level appears to be marginal in the first and second years after the announcement of the new regulations. The regression results shows that export sales ratio, ratio of the top ten shareholders holding, qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII), Taiwan Corporate Credit Rating Index (TCRI), listed years, media exposure and company size are the important determinant factors of EID. However, the debt ratio doesn’t seem to explain differences in EID practices among Taiwan listed electronic firms. Another interesting finding is that explanatory power of the full regression model increases from 17.9% in 2008 to 36.5% in 2009. This result shows that the new regulations seem to have gradually exerted its influence. However, the listed electronic companies are to be highly expected in EID performance; therefore, more efforts shall be promoted to encourage these firms to disclose more environmental information and accordingly become more proactive for improving their environmental performance. This study also suggests the state and related companies should strength its efforts to continuously deepen environmental accounting education.


王文英與李佳玲(2008),「我國資訊電子業之企業重要智慧資本-外部資訊使用者與內部人士之觀點」,當代會計,第9卷第1期:頁33-68 。


