  • 學位論文


A Study of Preclusive Period in Taiwan Civil Law:The Starting-Points and Obstacles of Preclusive Period

指導教授 : 向明恩


權利得否完滿行使,有時會受到諸多限制。其中,關於權利在時間上效力的限制,依我國民法上規定,存有消滅時效、取得時效與除斥期間三者。而關於除斥期間之研究,在所非多。但關於除斥期間屆至,效力上係使該權利消滅,影響當事人權利與法秩序甚劇,不可不察。又,除斥期間所生問題所涉範圍甚廣,係難以一言蔽之。故,欲以此篇論文,冀能扭轉學說與實務對於除斥期間討論甚少甚淺之現象,並適當表達對於除斥期間於起算基準時點之原則性認定,以及除斥期間是否完全不具備障礙事由之問題意識。   本文於第二章中,將重點先聚焦於探討除斥期間制度的目的。於區別除斥期間與消滅時效的法理,本文有不同於通說之看法,得以之重新觀待除斥期間於我國民法制度上的地位,並藉之下行探討除斥期間之兩個重要議題,即「原則性起算基準時點」與「是否得具有障礙事由」-兩者,分析其對於「權利行使在時間上的限制」所涉重大影響者,作為研討核心;於第三章中,關於除斥期間起算基準時點之部分,先以散見於我國民法財產法部分中之規定,類型化整理說明之。此外,將一併整理有關於我國民法上未有明文規定,而可能適用除斥期間時,各該權利之除斥期間起算基準時點應如何適用不同判定方式予以認定。其後,再藉由該認定,提出對於未明文化之除斥期間起算基準時點之原則性判斷法則與其所存在之法理上基礎。   另於第四章中,關於除斥期間是否存有期間進行上之障礙事由部分,先以跳脫過往「先抽象後具體」之方式觀析實務案例,而以「先具體後抽象」者破題,致使問題意識能先產生,並觀察實務上之解決方式後,再進入障礙事由之概略介紹。本文將以不同觀點,重新檢視過往看待「除斥期間不能具有障礙」之態度是否存有不妥,以及在適用除斥期間此一非法典明文化之原則性法理時遇到之實務上困難,並試提法理基礎與解決方式以突破過往對此一問題意識貧乏之窘境,望能發現並呈現除斥期間法理上之另一面貌;最後,於第五章之結論中,將本文看法一併綜合整理之,冀願對日後除斥期間之研究上能盡一己棉薄之力。


The restriction of rights have always gone with the rights. In its restriction about the time, there are three types in Taiwan civil law:The Statute of Limitations (die Verjahrung), The Acquisitive Prescription (die erwenbede Verjahrung), and The Preclusive Period (Ausschlussfrist). Although the effect of expiring Preclusive Period is the most severe for right holders , the researches on it are still more less than the two others.   Because the questions of Preclusive Period are extremely numerous for debating, this study will concentrate on the points of the starting-points and the obstacles, including Interruption (Unterbrechen), Suspension (Fortlaufshemmung), and Non-Accomplishment (Ablaufhemmung).   In chapter one, readers can know the intuition and the purpose of this study. In chapter two, it presents the main theory distinguishing the Preclusive Period from the Statute of Limitations (the Prescription), and raises new opinions and interpretation of it for dissolving the confusion about the relationship with rights and the time-restriction of rights.   In chapter three, categorizing of the Preclusive Period’s starting-points of Taiwan Civil Law lets us realize the way for objectifying the general rule of defining correct starting-points of Preclusive Period;In chapter four, it introduces the case of using obstacles on Preclusive Period in Taiwan Civil Law at first, and then let it be the guide of breaking points on the theory of “obstacles forbidden” and the idea of reconstruction and establishment on Preclusive Period’s developing in Taiwan Civil Law.   And the conclusions are organized at the last chapter for reviewing the study and raising the advice of attitude toward the Preclusive Period on the future of Taiwan Civil Law.


8、吳明軒,「試論與起訴中斷時效有同一效力之事項」,法令月刊,第43 卷,第2 期,頁5至10,1992 年2月。
9、吳明軒,「試論中斷消滅時效之起訴」,法令月刊,第41 卷,第4 期,頁9至13,1990 年4月。
10、吳明軒,「試論因起訴而中斷消滅時效之效力」,法令月刊,第40 卷,第3 期,頁10至13,1989 年3月。
