  • 學位論文


A Research on the Distinction of Accountability Between the Central Government and the Local Self-Government Body Over Police Affairs - With Special Reference to the Japanese Legal System

指導教授 : 陳慈陽


中央與地方權限的劃分,因受各國政治體制與其主客觀環境及歷史演進之規範與影響,而有不同之劃分型態,雖然其劃分型態相異,但各國追求國家安定發展與人民安居樂業之目標則是一致的。而在地方制度改造中,於現行憲法秩序下,我國警政工作中如何釐清中央與地方的權責,可否從過去中央警政一條鞭的封閉組織,朝向多元的地方參與,且相關權限如何分配中央和縣市,或如何因應或調整,實值得深入探討。 本論文約十四萬餘字,全文共分為五章,茲將章節摘述如下: 第一章:緒論。說明本文研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法。 第二章:我國憲法秩序下中央與地方權限。首先探就地方自治之意義及本質,其次檢討中央與地方權限劃分之理論,並彙整國內學者專家之意見,建構我國中央與地方權限劃分之基準及解決機制。 第三章:日本中央與地方警察事務權限之劃分。所謂他山之石,可以攻錯,藉由日本警察制度之介紹,瞭解其中央與地方警察事務之運作,以作為我國警察法制之借鏡。 第四章:我國中央與地方警察權限劃分之檢討。從憲法、警察法、地方制度法上,檢討我國中央與地方自治團體就警察事務權限,尤其於立法權、執行權、人事權及經費之分配上,本文參酌學者專家之意見,並以日本警察制度作為參考,整理我國警察法制之修正方向。 第五章:結論與建議。整合前述章節的觀點,提出具體結論與建議改進之道。 本文以為警察事務兼具國家與地方政府之任務性質,中央與地方應該分工合作,攜手完成該事務,才能符合地方自治之精神與國家之存立目的。又警察工作係國家行政不可或缺之一環,警察法制之設計,攸關警察事務之推動,實有儘速從制度面加以解決之必要。


The distinction of accountability between central and local levels are subject to the subject/objective environment, regulations, and impacts of historical progress in different countries. Therefore, there exist different models of distribution. Despite the differences, the goals of pursuing national stability and development, as well as providing an environment for people to live and work happily remain constant. However, how accountability can be distributed between central and local government bodies over police affairs in local system reformation under current constitutional order so as to progress from the closed one-whip method adopted by central police organization in the past to a more multiple participation from local government-body, the distribution of related accountability between central and local government-bodies, the response and adjustment toward such a redistribution are well worth discussing. This thesis contains more than 140,000 words and is categorized into five chapters. A short introduction is listed below: Chapter One: Introduction. Stating the motif and the purposes of the research, the range, limitation, and the methodology of the research. Chapter Two: The accountability of central and local government-bodies under the Taiwanese constitutional order. First, the significance and the nature of self-government are explored, which are followed by an examination on the theories of distribution of accountability between central and local government-bodies. Then the opinions from domestic scholars and experts are organized to construct the foundation and mechanism of solution in terms of the distribution of accountability in Taiwan. Chapter Three: The distribution of accountability over police affairs between central and local government-bodies in Japan. An old saying goes like: One can avoid making the same mistakes by mirroring other’s mistakes. Through the introduction of the Japanese police system, we can understand the operation of police affairs between central and local government-bodies, an example our legal system of police affairs can learn much from. Chapter Four: An examination of the distribution of accountability over police affairs between central and local government-bodies in Taiwan. Examining the distribution of accountability over police affairs between central and local government-bodies in Taiwan from the perspectives of constitution, police laws, local legal systems, especially on the distribution of legislative, executive, personnel rights, as well as on the budget. In this thesis, references from scholars and experts, along with special reference to Japanese police system, for the purpose of composing a direction for future amendments in Taiwanese police legal system. Chapter Five: Conclusion and suggestions. Summarizing the perspectives raised in former chapters while raising substantial conclusion and suggestions on possible improvement to be made. In this thesis, we propose that police affairs are of mission qualities both on national and local levels. The central and the local government-bodies should work hand in hand to complete the mission to comply to the spirit of local self-government, as well as the existence of the nation. Furthermore, police force is an indispensable segment of national administration, the design of the police legal system is crucial in the execution of police affairs, which demands urgent solutions made from the system.




