  • 學位論文


The Criteria of Criminal Judgements to Medical Negligence.

指導教授 : 鄭逸哲


現今社會國民權利意識高漲,民眾於就醫時,若發生不如預期的結果,往往不再像早期的人們那麼認命,多會試圖找尋無法達到期望值的原因,或者是需負責填補損害的對象,而這過程也往往會以司法途徑為手段。 有鑑於此,我國的醫療人員修習法律、鑽研醫療法以便自保的人數,亦有日益增多升之勢。醫病的協同抗病關係旋即轉換為緊張的對立關係,醫病間的微妙互動立刻面臨挑戰,由互信互持,變成爾虞我詐的諜對諜戲碼。輕者產生嫌隙,互信關係不再,患者難以將自身的健康與性命託付於失去信賴的醫療人員;醫療人員亦基於人性自保的本能反應,不再對對自己職業上具有威脅的難纏患者使出渾身解數的所學與精湛的醫術來治療其病痛,只求能趨吉避凶、安全下莊即可。重者對簿公堂或拳腳相向,不僅曾有患者家屬躍登社會版頭條,也曾使醫療人員血濺職場,而由近年來醫療糾紛與醫療訴訟之新聞,於報章媒體上的能見數逐漸攀升的情形,即可見一般。醫病關係發展至此,難謂不是兩敗俱傷,更是寶貴社會資源的耗損。 醫療並非萬難,無法起死回生。遇有醫療上的憾事,若患者欲行使憲法所保障的訴訟權以辨明事實,任何人亦無法阻止。僅希望司法系統,能真的具有對醫療過失判斷的正確認識,進而能有認對事、用對法的功能。可惜很遺憾,近年來許多司法判決,自始多未能認識到醫療行為的本質與一般刑事犯罪本質間的差異,更遑論在後續的判決當中能做出合乎事件本質的判斷。 本研究以傳統過失犯罪之判斷為入,以釐清醫療行為本質與一般刑事犯罪之差異與判斷流程為出,劃分出刑法上醫療過失判斷之界線,以更為完整的審查模式檢驗醫療過失犯。


Medical negligence is an unfortunate problem in our country. While everyone would like to believe that doctors don't make mistakes, they are only human. If a patient feels that his or her doctor handled their treatment negligently, then they will have the right to seek compensation for their financial, physical and emotional sufferings by filing a medical negligence (also known as medical malpractice) case. Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor for that matter may seem like an unscrupulous thing to do. The fact is, most people do not want to sue the people who are charged with taking care of us when we’re ill or injured because it doesn’t seem like an ethical thing to do. The problem is, it is the only way in our legal system a patient injured by malpractice can get some compensation for the damages inflicted on them. Filing a malpractice suit is the only way a patient can be “made whole”; That is to say, demand compensation to cover all the costs, both real economic costs and non-economic costs, past, present and future. There are two fundamental purposes for pursuing a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor, medical personnel and or hospital. First and foremost is to seek compensation for the injured patient. The second function of a malpractice suit is to provide a civil means of preventing further malpractice by the same medical professional(s). But what happens to the doctor? In the vast majority of medical malpractice cases, the doctor being sued will continue to practice medicine. Although a lawsuit has no effect on the doctors license to practice medicine, however, it’s the process that makes all the suffering and doctors will be severely impacted by the lawsuit. Not only doctors but the judicial personnel, who has lack of required medical knowledge are also suffer from certain amount of stress and challenges when ruling a medical malpractice’s case. Therefore, an effective method to evaluate and help making judgment upon medical negligence is desperately required.


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