  • 學位論文


A Study on Crime and Legal Norms of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects

指導教授 : 廖正豪


近年來,在各國政府相繼體認到運用民間資金、資源與效率,政府與民間共同推動公共建設之必要性後,「民間參與公共建設」已蔚為世界潮流。有鑑於我國政府財政日益困難,且民間參與公共建設可能帶來公共工程品質及效率之提升,我國亦於民國83年制訂「獎勵民間參與交通建設條例」推動民間參與交通建設,後於民國89年完成「促進民間參與公共建設法」(下稱促參法)之通案立法,使民間參與公共建設得以迅速開展。 民間參與公共建設仍係以公共資源(特許權)換取公共服務,實屬廣義之政府採購行為,相對政府採購法就傳統採購犯罪行為如圍標、綁標等定有特別刑事責任處罰規定,促參法並無任何罰則,是否即謂依促參法辦理之民間參與公共建設案件(下稱促參案件)無傳統採購犯罪行為之發生,即有疑問,在現行法規下,又應如何規範,是否有規範不足或輕重失衡之情形。 另一方面,民間參與公共建設之實務案例由高速鐵路、高雄捷運、桃園機場捷運到ETC等重大指標性公共工程,都傳出重大弊端。有必要對實務已發現之弊端及法院判決加以評析,並研究促參法等法範之可能缺漏,本文即嘗試由民間參與公共建設歷史演進、實務案例及法院判決等分析檢討,進而提出促參法等法規之修正建議,最後期能避免民間參與公共建設犯罪之發生。


“Private Participation in Infrastructure” (PPI) has become a world current recently. The governments of many countries realize that it is necessary to utilize the funding, resources, and efficiency of private sector to push infrastructure plans forward. According to the same reason, the government on Taiwan promulgated the Regulations Governing Encouragement of Private Participation in Public Transport Construction Projects, promoting private investment in construction of public transport projects in 1994. The government completed the legislative process in 2000 by Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. Private Participation in Infrastructure is a kind of general Government Procurement which exchanging public resource for public service. Although the model of Private Participation in Infrastructure is such similar to the model of Government Procurement, the infrastructure projects which are built or operated by the private institutions as approved under the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, the provisions under the Government Procurement Act shall not apply. The penalty provisions that against bid rigging and procurement fraud (imposing unlawful restrictions) of the Government Procurement Act is also invalid for the case of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. Thus, how to deal with bid rigging and procurement fraud of Private Participation in Infrastructure has to be concerned. In the other hand, significant public construction works, from Taiwan High Speed Rail, Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit, Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System to Electronic Toll Collection system, built or operated by the private institutions in Taiwan have all carried out malpractices of execution in the projects. The thesis tries to evaluate on this matter and results in providing some suggestions for future revision reference through the analysis on the history of Private Participation in Infrastructure, practical Private Participation in Infrastructure procedures, cases study and court judgment.


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