  • 學位論文


Research of Space Cluster and Local Characteristics of Cultural and Creative Industries: A Case of Hands Materials Wholesale and Retail Industries in Taipei.

指導教授 : 金家禾


文化創意產業由於性質、經營方式、消費者等與一般工商產業不同,加上各個文化創意產業之發展背景與地方特性皆有所差異,並非所有之文化創意產業皆可於一個經過完善規劃之文化創意園區內,從無至有促成產業群聚而發展,相對而言,更應重視原有之都市空間內未經刻意規劃引導發展,卻能自行生存發展之文化創意產業部門,深入探究何以其能夠形成群聚現象,以及其是如何透過參與者互動,逐漸發展形成緊密之網絡關係,而有助於當地產業群聚之成長茁壯。 臺北後火車站一帶群聚的手創材料批發零售產業自民國60年代開始蓬勃發展,就其位置而言是臺北地區歷史發展的起源,而就該產業而言是一種傳統的手工產業,如此一個在傳統地區的傳統產業,位於現今房價租金高漲的臺北都會區,是否群聚為其生存的重要因素?而這樣的傳統批發零售業聚集又是透過什麼方式轉變成具文化創意內涵的產業?因此,本研究欲探討,「群聚」對於傳統產業轉變的重要性以及成為文化創意產業重要的關鍵,並進一步分析是否長期累積下來歷史因素、網絡關係及創意氛圍等是該產業存活的因素。 透過深度訪談及個案研究-臺北後火車站地區之手創材料批發零售業,了解其發展歷程、參與者角色,探討其自發性群聚原因、網絡中角色間之互動關係以及與相關產業之關聯,了解群聚對於該產業存活的重要性;經由分析該區域內創意教學的運作方式、成效、限制及網絡互動型態,了解其知識傳遞媒介及過程,探討教學活動是否為該產業轉變成具文化創意內涵的產業;藉由對於手創材料批發零售業之空間群聚網絡分析,了解此文化創意產業之群聚特性及空間特質,並從而探討何以手創材料批發零售業群聚於此?是否群聚為其生存的重要因素?並進一步提出文化創意產業發展之空間政策意涵。 研究發現:(1)手創材料批發零售業是因為該產業之歷史因素及網絡關係而群聚在一起;(2)手創材料批發零售業經營之創意教學活動為該產業轉變成具文化創意內涵產業的關鍵因素;(3)手創材料批發零售業是因為空間特質及時間演化關係而坐落於特定之空間領域,且群聚是手創材料批發零售業於都會區生存的重要因素。


Due to the nature, operation, consumers, difference of the general industrial, the background and the local characteristics of the development of cultural and creative industries are differences, not all of the cultural and creative industries can be perfection in a park to have contributed to the industry cluster development. Relatively, should be paid without a deliberate plan to guide the development of the original space, was able to self-survival and development of cultural and creative industries sector. To explore in depth why able to form a clustering phenomenon, and it is how the participants interact, and gradually developed to close the network, and the help of local industry clusters thrive. Hands materials wholesale and retail industries cluster in Taipei since the 1960s to flourish on Taipei area historical development origin, in respect of industry is a traditional handmade industry, such a traditional industry in the traditional areas, located in the Taipei metropolitan area today, whether the cluster an important factor in their survival? The traditional wholesale and retail trade gather to transition into the connotation of cultural and creative industries through what means? Therefore, this study is to investigate clustering of traditional industries, the importance of the transfer process and the key to important cultural and creative industries, and historical factors, network relationships, and creative atmosphere to analyze whether long-term cumulative survival in the industry. The study finding includes: (1) Hands materials wholesale and retail industries because of historical factors and network relationships are cluster together. (2) Hands materials wholesale and retail industries operate creative teaching activities what is the key factor for the industry to shift into cultural and creative industry. (3) Hands materials wholesale and retail industries are located in specific areas because of the space characteristics and time evolution, and clustering is an important factor hands materials wholesale and retail industries in the metropolitan area to survive.


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