  • 學位論文


Abolition of Bigamy

指導教授 : 劉幸義


重婚是目前世界上多數國家所明令禁止的行為,因此這些國家在刑法上也有重婚罪之立法。以我國為例,從民國24年即有重婚罪之明文。然而,我國在民國96年將婚姻形式要件從儀式婚修正為登記婚後,將來重婚罪將面臨名存實亡的困境。因此,本論文將討論重婚罪的存廢問題。 本論文著重的重點有四:第一,重婚罪之保護法益。探討婚姻制度是否能作為刑法的保護法益,以及重婚罪在維護制度外,是否還有其他的保護法益。第二,構成要件的分析。本文將釐清重婚罪的構成要件及適用上的爭議,與其他法律問題。第三,民法與重婚罪的互動。由於重婚罪所處罰的重婚行為,是針對民法上的結婚形式要件,因此民法上的相關規範,包括大法官釋字對重婚罪的影響,都相當重要。第四、存廢的根據是什麼。本論文提出的存廢意見,主要以我國的實際情況為出發點,再加上和其他國家的比較。站在維持的立場,法條上或解釋上的調整空間;站在廢除的立場,則廢除的原因和廢除後相關的配套措施如何修正,也是本論文的重點所在。而本論文將在最後結論章節,表達對於重婚罪的存廢所採的立場和理由。


“Bigamy” is banned in most countries in the world, so there is the legislation of Bigamy on Criminal Law. In Taiwan, for example, Bigamy has been existing since 1935. However, after it amend the formal requirements of marriage from ceremony to registration in Taiwan in 2007, Bigamy will exist in name only in the future. Therefore, this thesis will discuss the issue on the abolition of Bigamy. This thesis focuses on the following 4 focal points: First, the legal protection of Bigamy. Researching that whether marriage system is qualified as the legal protection object for Criminal Law or not, and are there any other legal protection benefits besides maintaining marriage system. Second, the analysis of the constitutive elements. It will clarify the constitutive elements, and the disputes on application of Bigamy, and other legal issues in this thesis. Third, the interaction of Civil Law and Bigamy. The bigamy behavior which should be punished is according to the formal requirements of marriage on Civil Law. For this reason, all related provisions including effect of the judicial yuan interpretations on Bigamy are rather important. Fourth, the reasons for existing or repealing. The suggestions of abolition in this thesis is based on the reality of Taiwan and the comparison of Taiwan and other countries. On the standpoint that it should exist, is there any amended space on the code and the interpretation? On the standpoint that it should repeal, what are the reasons of repealing, and what can be the supporting measures of how to amend after repealing? They are also important topics in this thesis. It will express its position and reasons toward the abolition of Bigamy in the final conclusion chapter in this thesis.


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Prof. Dr. Andreas 著,戴瑀如譯,公元一九九八年之德國新結婚法,台大法學論叢,29卷3期,2000年4月
王海南,論一夫一妻婚姻制度與重婚信賴保護─評司法院大法官釋字第五五二號解釋,月旦法學雜誌,96期, 2003年5月
李玲玲,論婚姻之自由與重婚─試評司法院大法官會議釋字第三六二號解釋,東吳法律學報,10卷1期, 1997年1月

