  • 學位論文


The Research into Labor Relationship Management and Associated Factors Affecting an Employee’s Well Being and Job Satisfaction

指導教授 : 古永嘉


企業僱主與員工相處常會出現勞資之間種種敏感性及緊張關係的議題。本研究試圖建構勞資爭議預防管理衡量指標,分析預防管理勞資爭議的處理方法。資方與勞方自建立起勞資關係起,至勞資關係結束,這期間的合作與衝突時時刻刻存在於彼此關係中;勞資雙方的衝突、爭議透過預防,並且管理之後,是否能提升員工心理幸福感? 首先以中高階主管為對象,探討企業僱主或總經理在執行業務時遭遇之勞資爭議的相關議題,再以員工為對象,探討勞資關係管理與員工幸福感的關聯性。透過10位不同行業之高階人力資源主管,進行深度訪談、建立勞資爭議評量指標及進行指標分析。分析方法採用「名目團體法」及「腦力激盪法」發展相關題項,並透過「心智圖法」建構勞資爭議預防管理衡量指標,以因素分析、逐步迴歸探討員工幸福感關聯性之研究。將衡量勞資爭議的因素歸納為4項主構面,即「權利事項之勞資爭議」、「調整事項之勞資爭議」、「政府規範事項之勞資爭議」和「福利事項之勞資爭議」;10項次構面,運用「層級分析法」進行評量,並歸納出預防勞資爭議指標的影響程度。 本研究發現「權利事項之勞資爭議」層面是最重要,其中以「管理爭議」與「契約爭議」為重點。「政府規範事項之勞資爭議」中,以「退休爭議」為最重要,但隨著勞退新制於2005年7月施行,退休爭議有漸減之趨勢。針對衡量指標提出預防管理及處理方式,期望能提供企業主維護及創造諧和的勞資關係,增進員工的工作滿意度,進而能全心投入工作,對公司及自己的未來有願景等,有正面的情緒,產生企業幸福的員工;讓員工願意為企業付出,創造企業以及員工雙贏的最大效益。


There are often many sensitive and stressful cases regarding various labor issues in a relationship between employers and employees. This study attempts to construct a labor dispute prevention management metrics and analyze the preventive management approach of labor disputes. The coexistence of collaboration and dispute is constantly present during the period from start to end of any relationship between an employer and employee once it has been established; whether the conflict of interests and disputes through prevention and management may enhance an employee’s psychological well-being? First take into account the mid - managerial positions and above, explore the labor disputes and associated topics encountered by business owners or general managers in carrying out sales, then consider the staff, explore the relevance of the labor relations management and employee’s job satisfaction. Construction of the labor management dispute assessment indicator is based on in-depth interviews of ten highly positioned human resource directors from different industries. The methods of analyzing the indicator are “nominal group method” and “brainstorming” which in turn develop further related topics. The application of “mind mapping” method is the bases on which the preventive management indicator of labor dispute is constructed; the application of factor analysis allows stepwise regression in exploring the associations linked to the employee’s job satisfaction. The measure of labor disputes factors are grouped into four main sections, namely “rights issues of labor dispute”, “adjustment issues of labor dispute”, “government regulation in the issues of labor disputes” and “welfare matters in accordance to labor disputes”; ten sub-sections, using the “Analytic Hierarchy Process Assessment”, sums up the impact of the labor dispute prevention indicators. The study found that “The Rights Issues of Labor Disputes” is the most important factor, with the main focus on "Management Controversy" and "Contract Disputes”. “Retirement Controversy” is listed as the top priority in “The Government Regulations of The Issues of Labor Disputes”, but with the labor pension system being implemented in July 2005, “Retirement Controversy” was no longer of the top priority. Establishing preventative management and treatment methods in accordance to the assessment indicator provides business owner’s a way of maintenance in turn create concordant labor relations, improve employee’s job satisfaction and thus dedicating to the vision of the company and their own future, to have positive emotions, resulting in the well-being of the employees; employees will therefore be more willing to devote to the enterprise in creating the maximum benefit for the enterprise as well as themselves thus achieving a win-win situation.


