  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between media reports and police strategies─ A case on Clean-up Action

指導教授 : 侯崇文


現今媒體被稱為第四權,其扮演的不只監督角色,更在民意及政府施政扮演指標的功能,由於治安議題長期被民眾所關注,本研究希望藉由報紙的新聞報導與警政機關警政策略的關係,更深入探究其背後政治運作的模式,及其可能產生的效應,初探當今治安虛實。本研究以民國95年2月實施3個月的清源專案做個案研究,進而提出對當今如何與媒體互動及對警政策略的形成及決策的建議。 研究假設行政首長可以藉由警政策略,透過媒體塑造形象,獲得民眾支持,並對犯罪有嚇阻等效應。研究結果透過報紙報導的論述分析、對參與清源專案的警察及媒體記者深度訪談後歸納出六大項,包括(一)專案的形成受政治因素所影響;(二)重獎重懲制度導致警察內部分歧;(三)被動式應付媒體形成溝通障礙;(四)負面報導造成行銷數據被忽視;(五)政治人物介入治安議題未能提高聲望;(六)專案經由媒體發揮效應卻難被認同。換言之,清源專案期間,行政首長、也就是政治人物,無法透過警政策略獲得民意支持,主要是媒體對清源專案的負面報導,導致民意受其影響,給予負面評價,因此由警察主導的警政策略應透過媒體掌握民意,讓警察的角色有其方向及功能,回到社區警政的方向,從民眾來出發,並以民眾的需求為思考的策略,同時警政機關要與傳播媒體有一定良好的互動,否則恐怕無法獲得民意支持,最後結果還是有問題。 研究最後並提供八大建議口訣,作為日後警察機關在推動警政策略時的參考:包括(一)行政首長扮推手、警政首長來掌舵;(二)短期專案不可少、對症下藥最重要;(三)警記關係要做好、平日溝通要順暢;(四)記者專業要加強、批評監督守本分;(五)政策行銷少不了、破案新聞來幫忙;(六)績效數據不可靠、防堵吃案才健康;(七)民調結果要重視、公布參考成常態;(八)治安議題難掌握、坦然面對最重要,希望能夠藉此對於警政策略順利推行有幫助,進而喚起民眾的治安的共識,共同努力改善治安環境,奠定一個安全而健康的社會。


治安 報紙 清源專案 策略


The fourth estate is a term referring to the press nowadays, which means that the role of the press playing is not only a monitor but also an indicator of government administration and public opinion. Public security issues have been focused in the society for a long time, the study attempts to further investigate into patterns of political operation and its effectiveness, to primarily realize the current status of public security through the relationships between news released and police authority strategies. The study takes Clean-up Action as a case study, which was implemented for three months in February 2006, to offer pieces of advice on how to interact with news media, and to make police strategies and decisions. The study assumes that administrative heads, with police strategies, can gain supports from the public through positive images formed by the press and produce the deterrent effect upon crime commitment behaviors. Six categories of the result of the study are concluded through discourse analysis of news released, and deep interviews with the police officers and the journalists who were involved in the Clean-up Action as follows: 1. The formation of project will be effected by political elements; 2. The merit award and strict punishment system splits internally the police into rival factions; 3. Dealing passively with the press causes communication barriers; 4. Marketing data and statistics are neglected because of negative news released ; 5. Politicians cannot increase their popularity via interfering with public security issues; and 6. The project is effective through the press, but it is not easy to be recognized. In other words, during the proceeding of Clean-up Action, administrative heads, who were politicians as well, could not obtain supports from the public mostly because of the negative news released which affected the public opinion and caused negative evaluations. Therefore, the police strategies which are led by the police should master public opinions through the press, and reverse the roles and functions of police to the direction of community policing. In the meanwhile, the police should make strategies with respect of demands of the public, and smoothly interact with the news media. Otherwise, it would be difficult to gain supports from the public and problems still exist in the end. Consequently, the study reveals eight suggestions to police organizations for reference for promoting police strategies, including 1. Administrative heads promote police strategies which are led by heads of police administration; 2. Short-term projects are necessary, and suitable resolutions count; 3. The police should mbaintain good relationships and smooth communications with journalists in normal times; 4. Journalists should enhance their professional capabilities, and do their jobs well to criticize and supervise the related organizations; 5. Policy marketing strategies are essential, and for cases breaking, news media are helpful; 6. Performance statistics are unreliable, eliminating cover-up of report is the most important thing; 7. Evaluate the result of poll, regularize the publication for reference; 8. It is hard to control public security issues which are needed to be dealt with honestly. We hope that the study is helpful for promoting police strategies smoothly, and for evoking common consensus of public security to cooperate with related organizations to improve the security environment, and to establish a safe and healthy society.


public security newspaper Clean-up Action strategy


金溥聰,1997,〈報紙的形象設定效果研究:以民國八十三年台北市長選舉為例〉。《新聞學研究》,55: 203-223。
