  • 學位論文


A Study on Standing of Cultural Heritage Preservation Cases

指導教授 : 郭介恒


本篇論文研究之目的在於針對文化資產保存爭議案件中,有關有形文化資產之古蹟和歷史建築,在建物所有人以外之第三人欲提起文化資產保存訴訟之問題,在此涉及是否具有行政訴訟中訴訟權能之探討,以及是否有藉由文化資產保存公益訴訟制度之建構來提供訴訟途徑之探討。因此本文首先從第一章緒論為說明本文之問題意識,然後在第二章從我國現行行政訴訟制度中如何判斷訴訟權能為出發,接下來在第三章之部分以現行制度下來探討相關文化資產保存爭議案例中原告是否具有訴訟權能而可提起行政訴訟,並在第四章部分探討若現行制度下無法解決此問題,則是否有建構文化資產保存公益訴訟之必要,最後在第五章作總結來說明研究成果。 而本文主要以文獻分析為主要研究方法,並以中文文獻以及日文文獻為閱讀分析,探討文化資產保存爭議案件中是否有訴訟權能之問題以及建構文化資產保存訴訟之可能性,在比較法上會以日本為探討是在於日本也有關於文化財保存爭議之訴訟案例,因此藉由與日本法上之比較來說明現行制度下所遇到之困難點。而針對文化資產保存爭議案件中當事人訴訟權能之問題,本文在此是以行政訴訟為出發,在探討 訴訟權能上因涉及權利或法律上利益是否受損害,而在我國判斷是否為權利或法律上利益是以「保護規範理論」為操作,而以此理論操作下,在文化資產保存爭議案件中建物所有人以外之第三人並無法認定出權利或法律上利益之存在,因此為欠缺訴訟權能,此時欲針對指定古蹟處分或登錄歷史建築處分提起撤銷訴訟;針對不指定古蹟或登錄歷史建築提起課予義務訴訟上,皆會遇到困難,因此或許可以參考日本行政事件訴訟法第九條第二項增定衡量因素之方式為原告適格之放寬。若前述之方式有其困難,則在現行行政訴訟法制度下,或許可以依行政訴訟法第九條之規定,在文化資產保存法中建構公益訴訟規定,以客觀法秩序之維護下來達到文化資產保存之目的,並達到憲 法第一百六十六條中保護古蹟古物之「憲法委託」要求,不過,由於在我國行政訴訟制度上,客觀法秩序之維護為例外之情形,因此需要有避免濫訴之機制。


The thesis is focus on the issue of the Standing of Cultural Heritage Preservation Cases. Because according to the Administrative Litigation Code, the plaintiff must have the Standing in cases, otherwise the case will be disallowed. In the cases of Cultural Heritage Preservation, the owner of Cultural Heritage has the Standing. However, the other person has not the Standing in the cases of Cultural Heritage Preservation. Because the Cultural Heritage is rare and fragile, besides, it manifests our culture, so we have to preserve it. Therefore, the possible of broad Standing is the first way to solve this question, if this way is not to be adopted, the second way is that according to Article 166 of The Constitution, the possible of the Public Interest Actions of Cultural Heritage Preservation, it is the purpose of this study . The content of this thesis is as following: Chapter 2 is the discussion of the Standing of Administrative Litigation Code, and under the principle of the protection of subjective rights, how to determine the Standing in cases. This Chapter is the basis for the following Chapters. Then, Chapter 3 is the discussion of the Standing of Cultural Heritage Preservation Cases, the owner of Cultural Heritage is the correct plaintiff. However, whether the other person is the correct plaintiff, this is the important issue. So the discussion in this Chapter will be under our current legal system and contrast with the legal system of the Cultural Heritage Preservation of Japan. If under our current legal system and contrast with the legal system of the Cultural Heritage Preservation of Japan that can not solve this question, the possible of the Public Interest Actions of Cultural Heritage Preservation is the following discussion in Chapter 4. Finally, Chapter 5 is the conclusion.


18.郭瑞蘭,集團訴訟之研究, 臺灣臺北地方法院士林分院,1987年。
2.Wolfgang Kahl, M.A.,林明鏘 譯,德國與歐盟行政法上主觀公法上權利之現況、演變及其展望,台大法學論叢,第40卷第2期,2011年6月。


