  • 學位論文


Business Model Innovation of construction industry - The Study of Ruentex Engineering Company

指導教授 : 邱光輝


營造業一向被稱作火車頭工業,但亦屬競爭激烈的產業。台灣地區地狹人稠,政府也積極推動各項建設工程,營造商家數目眾多與營造相關的產業也數量龐大。近年來,由於消費者意識抬頭,對於品質與價值的態度已較昔日來得重視,營造業不應再以低價競爭為主要訴求。在一片以低價搶標的紅海競爭環境中,如何調整企業的營運模式,找到營造產業的藍海,為業界亟欲了解的課題。在競爭激烈的眾多營造業中,潤弘精密擁有的獨特商業模式,使其在營建產業中擁有穩定的獲利與良好的聲譽。本研究將以 Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) 的商業模式架構對該個案公司進行分析,深入了解個案公司和一般營造業的商業模式。以期讓後續進入營造產業的企業在 e 化創新跟商業模式設計上有所參考。


商業模式 營造業


The construction industry has always been referred to not only as the industry which drive the boom, but also a highly competitive industry. Taiwan is the densely populated area, the government is actively promoting various construction projects which cause the huge number of industry related businesses. In recent years, due to the rise of consumer awareness, consumer puts the more emphasis on quality and the value than before. The construction industry should not take the competition of making lower prices as the main demands. In the Red Ocean environment which means offer the lowest quoted price, the industry want to know how to adjust the model of operation and find the Blue Ocean Strategy. Ruentex Engineering Company has an unique business model that make the stable earnings and good reputation in the construction industry. This research will base on the architecture of the business model by the Osterwalder and Pigneur. We hope this in-depth research of the difference between the case company and the general construction company can be the reference to those follow-up company in the e-innovation and the business model design .


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