  • 學位論文


A Study of the Pilgrimage of Taipei Xia-Hai Temple

指導教授 : 曾漢珍


遶境活動在傳統農業生活中,是農閒時期,娛神又娛人的活動。在傳統敬天畏地的時代中,信徒皆深信凡神明走過的路線,皆會受到神力加持,因此有斬妖除魔之功、合境平安之效。再者,人們堅信神力並不是滔滔不斷、綿綿不絕的,因此地方上有誰越早受到神明的祝福,以及加持者,其願望便會早日實現。 所以當地的廟宇遶境之時,便越有機會與理由,使得該廟的遶境隊伍行經某人之住所門前,便欲顯該人在地方上有其影響的權力。然而,某一特定時間點的遶境路線產生,是在當地的歷史脈絡,與當下的政治結構、產業經濟、社會文化,所整合出來的結果。 本研究首先擬以整理相關研究文獻,分析出研究遶境活動時可用為以貫時性與共時性之二種面向切入。再者,由大稻埕地區發展,與台灣的城隍信仰文化,歸納出大稻埕霞海城隍廟的城隍信仰特色。 最後,本研究總結出大稻埕霞海城隍廟遶境活動之影響因素可分為民間信仰、產業發展,以及在地組織等三種面向。此外,本研究又以遶境活動中參與隊伍之排列順序為例,證明到大稻埕霞海城隍廟遶境活動,除了使得大稻埕地區的民眾在社會關係上,可藉此找到自我定位之外,遶境活動也是大稻埕地區的居民心中共同分享的「集體記憶」。


遶境 霞海城隍廟 大稻埕


The activities of pilgrimage in Taiwan are what people want to make The God and others happy in the leisure times. The past times, people believe The God can let one place he passes through happy and peace. But theses happiness by The God are limited, everybody always hopes these receive sooner, The God can their hopes come true. So one local leader has more power at one place, The God can pass his place earlier. However, the production of the pilgrimage way lied on the develop, police, economic, and local cultures of the region. The study, first, will collect relevant references to analysis the study of pilgrimage two factories, the longitude and horizontal of one region history. Second, by the region develop of Da-Dou-Cheng, and the belief cultures of the Taiwan City God, the study sums up the City God belief characteristic of Taipei Xia-Hai Temple. The study will summarize what the factors of the pilgrimage of Taipei Xia-Hai Temple is local beliefs, economical develop, and local organizations. Besides, the study will give an example, the sequences of Taipei Xia-Hai Temple pilgrimage, in order to prove Taipei Xia-Hai Temple pilgrimage can’t only make the people understand their social relationship by the activities, but also the activities of pilgrimage is the collective memories of the Da-Dou-Cheng persons.


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