  • 學位論文


The Research of Relationships and Impacts among Personality Traits , Job satisfaction, Job involvement to Resignation Intention-A Case Study of Game Industry’s employees.

指導教授 : 吳泰熙


2008年全球經濟受到金融海嘯之影響,幾乎所有科技產業皆遭受景氣寒冬的重擊;然而,遊戲產業卻在這波不景氣中一枝獨秀,非但沒有受到負面影響,其產業總體營收還不斷創新高。根據資策會數位教育研究所調查 (2008) 發現遊戲產業人才主要來源為同業攬才,其次為異業徵才與內部升遷。優秀人才不易獲得及人才經驗不足一直是遊戲業界招募人才最大的困難,而普遍同業間的人才都是相互移動居多。因此,在高度流動率的產業環境中,企業如何提高員工的工作滿足,進而留住員工,儼然成為管理者的重要課題。過去研究結論指出,離職意圖有助於離職行為之預測,經綜合相關文獻後,本研究篩選出「工作滿足」、「工作投入」、「離職意圖」三個相關變項探討其間的關聯性與影響性。本研究主要以遊戲產業現職從業人員為研究對象,並以網路問卷調查方式,運用實務上曾經採用過的甄選工具「感知偏好量表」來探究不同人格特質工作者的工作滿足、工作投入和離職意圖之間的差異與影響關係。研究結果顯示,遊戲產業從業人員不同人格特質對工作滿足、工作投入與離職意圖均有顯著的差異;工作滿足影響工作投入、工作投入影響離職意圖、工作滿足影響離職意圖亦呈現顯著影響。


Due to the global economy hit by the financial tsunami since 2008, almost all of the technology industries have struggled with the economic downturn. However, the game industry is thriving with its brilliant overall revenue in this recession. The research of Digital Education of Institute for Information Industry (2008) found that the main source of talent acquisition in game industry come from recruiting in the industry, followed by cross-industry recruiting and internal promotion. The difficulty of talent acquisition has been the major issue in the industry yet talent cross-moves in the industry are common. How to improve employee’s job satisfaction and thus retain employee, has become an important issue of managers in the high turnover of the industry. Many studies contributed that resignation intention predicted resignation behavior. We reviewed related literatures, this study screened out three variables of correlation: job satisfaction, job involvement, and resignation intention to discuss the impact within practitioners. This study focused on the incumbents of the game industry and used internet questionnaire with selected tool "perceived preference Scale” recommended by practitioners to explore the relationships and impacts among different personality traits, job satisfaction, job involvement and resignation intention of workers. The results of Game industry employees with different personality traits correlation analysis showed that there were significantly positive effects between each three variables in terms of job Satisfaction, Job involvement and Resignation intention. Also, results indicated that turnover intention was significantly positively correlated significantly negatively related to job Satisfaction and Job involvement.


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