  • 學位論文


Searching the Origin of Yang’s Old Style Tai Chi Chuan from Lao Tzu’s Thought

指導教授 : 鄧時海 司仲敖


太極拳,「主要出自道家儒家和兵家的思想」,而以身體讀取道家思想的身體活動。素喜老子思想之奧妙,並實際操練太極拳,確實感受太極拳之運作處處飽受老子思想之沾溉。是以以「老子思想」作「體」,以「楊家老架太亟拳」為「用」,把體與用聯繫起來,從三方向索源楊家老架太亟拳的思想根源於老子思想:一是,老子思想啟迪太極拳功法修煉的進程。二是,老子思想陶融太極拳搏鬥技擊的運用與轉化。三是,老子思想涵煦太極武藝人生。 有謂以術證道,追溯本源的同時,發現,「亟」字意涵甚高,知其居高無盡藏,一人立於天地之間而涵泳參贊,感而遂通,豈非太「亟」拳之原義哉?一旦吾等修煉養者走架行拳,進入太極拳態,即開始以陰陽互動之理,求達老子思想虛靜之大道,拳從太極,則無處不是太極,亦即無處不是老子思想之觀復,以體悟天人合一之感通。 楊家老架太亟武藝身受受老子思想之啟迪陶融。諸如「合抱之木,起於毫末」觀念,啟迪修煉養進程中,鍊己築基從忽微處起;潛移默化地,「慎終如始」、「慎行早服」之嗇道,以致待人處事見微而知著之道。楊家老架太亟拳點點位移的訓練,從知規矩、懂規矩、化規矩而脫規矩,隨心所欲走架行拳,卻又不逾矩,正所謂「為道日損」之大義。 老子思想自然無為、守柔持弱、不爭處下,卻又利萬物,納百川,如此的胸懷,陶融修煉養者進乎太極武藝之人生,推己及人,傳承與發揚楊家老架太亟武藝,為而不恃,長而不宰,無掉人為之欲,無妄作為。督促修煉養者能理解老子思想之大義,慎行而早服於事之未兆,以致走向觀無自得之太極武藝人生。


Tai Chi Chuan, with its origin from Taoism, is a kind of activity that uses our body to realize Taoism. This motivates me to do the research. I would like to search the origin of Tai Chi martial art and observe Yang's Old Tai Chi Chuan from three aspects: Firstly, in terms of personal practicing, what does Lao Tzu's thought try to enlighten us Tai Chi practitioners? Secondly, Tai Chi Chuan is a kind of martial arts—which means it is created for fighting. How does Lao Tzu's thought transform to our real social life? Third, when practicing Tai Chi martial arts to a specific level, those predecessors anticipate us successors to lengthen the life expectancy. How does Lao Tzu's thought lead us to the life of Tai Chi martial arts? Since we practice Tai Chi Chuan, must use our physical body to to experience Lao Tzu's thought, realizing Lao Tzu's thought. We can know Tao when reaching the unity of knowing and doing. As a result, I use the bibliography to trace the origin, discuss with teachers and elders, and further practice Tai Chi relentlessly in order to present Tao. At the same time, I find that the meaning of the word “亟” has diverse connotations. Imagine a man knowing Tao's eternity and standing between Tian and Di(the earth and the universe), blending into the nature. This picture would be one of the connotations of “亟”. Wherever we go, we can embody the unity of nature and human being. After the points mentioned above, we can know that Yang's Old Style Tai Chi Martial Arts are indeed influenced by Lao Tzu's thought. For example, the idea of “a huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seeding(合抱之木,起於毫末)” enlightens us to build the basis of Tai Chi Martial Arts from the smallest part; subconsciously, from the sparing attitude(嗇道) of consistency(慎終如始) and preparation(慎行早服), etc. Lao Tzu's thought is about inaction, softness, and humility, but in way benefits includes everything in the universe. Such open-mindedness also motivates us practitioners to a life of Tai Chi Martial Arts. We should Extend and Spread Lao Tzu's thought to others(推己及人), while at the same time pass down and promote Yang's Old Style Tai Chi martial arts for fear of falling behind. We should decrease the desire to control, decrease the desire to act, but increase the desire to create. All of these spirits motivate us practitioners to promote Tai Chi Martial Arts to the whole world. Indeed, it is the greatest thing to reveal and to rectificate the facts that “Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art of Taoism” “Tai Chi Chuan is the activity in which we use our body to study Lao Tzu's thought.”


