  • 學位論文


A Study of Criminal Code of the R.O.C on the Chapter 36:Offenses Against the Computer Security—The Case of Obtaining Virtual Treasures of Online Game

指導教授 : 甘添貴


本文首先介紹學說上電腦犯罪之定義,整理我國學說與新修法之見解,並介紹電腦犯罪於德國法上及日本法上之規定。並藉由介紹網路遊戲之分類,並說明虛擬寶物竊盜之流程,依序為「取得他人帳號與密碼」、「輸入被害人帳號密碼以其身分登入」及「移轉虛擬寶物予自己或第三人」三種行為階段。本文認為應先釐清虛擬寶物之性質與定位,故從「是否具財產價值」,及「是否為電磁紀錄」,來討論虛擬寶物在刑法上之定位。     其次,自網路相關科技發達以來,電腦犯罪的手法越來越先進,尤其是民國91年關於天幣竊盜之相關案件,應成立何種犯罪,受到社會的關注,於我國學說與實務上之討論更是熱烈。故從虛擬寶物竊盜之三大流程,整理實務於我國修法前與修法後如何適用,希望以此觀察能有助於了解我國電腦犯罪立法政策的缺漏所在。   再者,本文針對妨害電腦使用罪章進行再檢視,藉由本文之介紹與整理,可以發現刑法第36章的增訂,雖某程度解決許多爭議,然則囿於法條設計之不夠仔細,於細節上仍有不足之處。就本章之保護法益,從僅保護個人法益或社會法益亦或是兼具二者之討論為出發;刑法第358條條文中,從「入侵」之定義、性質及完成時點出發,檢視本條立法設計上是否有不足之處;刑法第359條條文中,討論「取得、刪除或變更」與「致生損害」,有否可以修正的更加完善之處;刑法第360條條文中,討論所謂「干擾行為」之用語有何缺失,以及若依學者見解認為干擾係指「暫時性功能喪失」,其保護是否即為已足。     最後提出本文之結論與建議,對各章之內容作一總整理,並試圖提出本文之研究意見,提出尚待解決之問題。針對本章將來可能修正方向做出初步修法之建議,並藉由德國法與日本法上電腦犯罪立法情形,觀察是否有值得我國借鏡之處。


At first, the paper introduces the definition of computer crime in theories, finishing the opinion of our theory and amending the law, and introduces the computer crime in US, Germany and Japan. The theft of virtual treasure process, were "Gaining username and password", "Entering account password anf logging", and "Obtaining virtual treasure". The primary task is clarifing the character of the virtual treasure in the criminal law, from the part of "Economic Value" and "Electromagnetic Record".   Second, the computer crime have become increasingly sophisticated with the technological advances, especially the topic stealing the virtual money in the onlinegame "lineage" in 2002 aroused public attention, committed what kind of the crime is inconclusive between the judicial practice and academic research. Therefore, analysising judical practice how to committed before and after amending the law before amending the law in Chapter 36 at three processes of the theft of virtual treasures, by this observation we can figure out the drawback of the computer crime legislation and policy.   Furthermore, the Chapter 36 although solve a lot of controversy, but confining to the describe of the law there are still inadequate in some circumstances.The legal interests of the Chapter 36 should be discuss. In Article 358 of the Criminal Code, we should figure out the definition of "intrude" and how defined the accomplished offence. In Article 359 of the Criminal Code, the "acquisition, delete or change " and " resulting in damage", there could be improve. In Article 360 of Criminal Code, which means the "disruptive action", and "the temporary loss of function" in academic opinion, and the protection is enough or not is still a question.   Finally, there are the article concludes and recommendations for the reserch of each chapter, and try to come up with some opinion to solve the problem should to be resolved. Also try to make the proposal of amending the law by observing the article of computer crime in US, Germany and Japan.




