  • 學位論文


The Study of Bank Competition and Bank Risks

指導教授 : 陳淑玲


近年來銀行競爭的議題逐漸受到學者與業界重視,銀行間過度競爭被認為是導致銀行缺乏競爭力的主要原因,因此過去臺灣政府透過數次金融改革希望能藉著整併金融機構的方式降低銀行間的競爭程度,進而增強銀行的競爭力。然而,過去三十年來,國際間自由化浪潮席捲全球,各國相繼開放銀行自由競爭,在此期間世界各國同時也發生數次大規模金融危機,銀行競爭程度與銀行風險間是否存在正向關係,將是本研究想要釐清的研究議題。 過去研究銀行競爭與銀行風險關聯性的議題多以單一國家內的銀行樣本或選取單一地區內的各國銀行為樣本進行研究,少有研究採用全世界各個國家樣本。本研究廣納全球各國家的銀行樣本,資料涵蓋北美洲、中南美洲、西歐與亞洲四個地區,45 個國家,1,440 家銀行,共 10,080 個觀察值,期望能以更全面的方式來檢視銀行競爭程度與銀行風險間的關係。此外,過去文獻曾提及銀行競爭與銀行風險的關係可能會因為銀行的風險種類、地理區域以及系統性危機事件的衝擊而有所改變,因此本研究更進一步將樣本依照地理區域、系統性風險發生前後期間做分類,深入討論銀行競爭程度與銀行風險間的關係是否會因這些因素而有所改變。 實證結果發現:以整體樣本來看,銀行競爭與銀行整體風險、破產風險及流動性風險顯著正相關,而與信用風險顯著負相關。將樣本區分為四個洲之後,發現銀行競爭與整體風險的正向關係在北美及西歐地區國家不再顯著,而銀行競爭與破產風險的關係在北美地區國家則變成顯著反向相關,銀行競爭與流動性風險的正向關係則在西歐地區國家變成顯著反向關係;銀行競爭與信用風險的反向關係只在北美洲及亞洲地區繼續維持,而在中南美洲及西歐地區國家其關係方向顯著改變;最後,以系統性危機發生期間區分樣本之後,發現整體而言,四種風險在歷經系統性危機衝擊後都顯著上升,但是銀行競爭與銀行風險的關係卻沒有因此而改變。


Over-banking has been considered as one of the causes for banks to lose competitiveness. To increase the bank competitiveness, many countries have implemented several rounds of banking industry consolidation since 1980. However, another array of study argued that the occurrence of existing financial crises, including the 2008 financial crisis, may be attributed to the banking liberalization. The actual relationship between bank competition and bank risks remains unanswered. Alternative to previous studies, we evaluated the relationship of bank competition and bank risks using the bank data from the globe. Specifically, we considered the regional variation of bank and examined whether the geographic heterogeneity and bank competition have cross effect on bank risks. In addition, we used the data with the sample period starting 2005 and ending 2011 to study the cross effect of financial crisis and bank competition on bank risks. Our results show that bank competition is positively related to overall bank risks, insolvency risks and liquidity risks, but negatively associated with bank credit risks. While we considered the bank’s regional variation, the relationship between bank competition and bank risks changed, especially in the area of North America. While we took the systematical variable into account, the relationship between bank competition and bank risks remains the same, but the risks are significantly higher than the period before systematic crisis occurs.


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