  • 學位論文


The Contract of Reinsurance on Private International Law

指導教授 : 陳榮傳


再保險在保險制度中扮演相當重要的角色,而我國對於外國市場再保險之依賴度偏高,因而有產生涉外民事法律案件之可能,此外隨著我國專業再保險公司之成立,以及2007 年保險法之修正,在在顯示我國對於再保險制度之重視。因此本文研究之範圍及目的,在於透過國際公約之比較觀察,以及相關學說之發展,整理出符合公平正義之法則,並檢討我國現行涉外民事法律適用法及修正草案之規範,嘗試提出更具合理性之建議。 本論文主要分為六章,第一章「緒論」提出國際性之再保險契約所可能面臨之問題,並以此觀點出發,討論本論文所涉及之範圍,以及研究之價值;第二章「再保險制度之基本概念」,介紹再保險制度之發展,並針對再保險之基本原則和實體法上之爭議作說明,確立再保險契約產生涉外性之各種可能,並藉此提出其在國際私法上之重要爭議;第三章「涉外再保險案件之國際管轄權」,主要透過國際私法之觀點,探討再保險案件國際裁判管轄權之問題,本章透過布魯塞爾條例 (Brussels Regulation I) 等國際性公約,以及普通判例法(Common Law) 等規範之介紹,確立再保險案件在國際裁判管轄權之問題上,應有特殊性規定之必要;第四章「涉外再保險契約之準據法」,因為我國對於再保險契約並未設有特別規定,因此必須回歸一般性規定探討,並參考1980 年羅馬公約 (Rome Convention) 和普通判例法 (Common Law) 之相關規範,藉以得出較能保護弱勢一方當事人之選法規則,本章主要討論之重點乃再保險契約和再保險代位權之準據法兩部分,由於再保險所涉及之當事人多且複雜,因此難以將一般性規定完全套用在再保險之法律關係上,而須個別適用各種特殊性規範以及理論加以解決;第五章「我國法之規定與檢討」回歸我國法之討論層面,將我國現行涉外民事法律適用法以及修正草案作介紹,提出條文規定及適用上所可能產生之疑問,試圖參考前述國際公約所整理之概念,套用到我國法上,以解決再保險案件之各種爭議,並提出本文對於修正草案之建議,希望能對未來修法提供思考之方向;第六章「結論與建議」將本文主要研究之重點加以彙整,對於再保險在國際裁判管轄權和準據法之爭議,本文以保障弱勢一方當事人,以及符合公平正義之原則為出發點,提出各種可能之解決模式,最後就本文之研究結果作說明,並簡要分享對涉外再保險契約之研究心得,以及對未來我國修法之期許。


Reinsurance plays an important role in the Insurance system. The Taiwan’s reinsurance market relies heavily on foreign trade, it means that the relationship could come into being the international civil cases. Moreover, the Central Reinsurance Corporation was founded and the Insurance Law was amended in 2007 reveals that we pay more attention to reinsurance. Therefore the range and purpose of the research in this thesis is to observe and compare with the international conventions and theories, in order to make the rules conform to justice. It also reviews our private international law and its amendment to bring up more reasonable suggestions. There are six chapters in this article. Chapter 1 is about the problems of international reinsurance contracts and the value of this subject. Chapter 2 introduces the development and the principle in reinsurance regimes, and considers about the main issues in private international law. Chapter 3 is the reinsurance jurisdiction, it illustrate the Brussels Regulation I and Common Law, to establish the particular regulation in reinsurance. Chapter 4 discusses with the choice of law in reinsurance and focuses on reinsurance contract relationship and subrogation. Because there are no particular rules about reinsurance in Taiwan, when it comes to reinsurance we may apply to general rules. Besides, this chapter compares with Rome Convention and Common Law to set up the regulation to protect the weak one. The parties in reinsurance are complex so it must refer to special norms and theories. Chapter 5 reviews our legal regimes and introduces the private international law and its amendment. It provides many possible problems, and tries to solve it by above mention ideas. Furthermore, this chapter will provide some suggestion about the amendment to guide the modification. Chapter 6 is the conclusion. It generalizes all points in this article. About the jurisdiction and conflict law of reinsurance, it advocates protecting the weak one for the reason of justice. Finally, this article demonstrates results of the research, shares what I have learned and expects the better amendment in future.


