  • 學位論文


A Study of the Behavior of Purchasing Investment Linked Insurance Product of Male Consumer

指導教授 : 楊浩彥
共同指導教授 : 黃芳雅(Fung-yea Huang)


理財行為因應時代而產生,利率的下降打擊著一般民眾的消費水準及荷包,在低利率的時代,複利滾存來增加財富收入似乎是可行之道,但是真正會的人仍是少數人,於是貧富差距就拉得更開,差距也更大了,一般市民大眾若是無法有效的利用財富創造更多的財富,只能放在銀行,而強迫接受超低的利息收入,在西元2001年6月時,立法院決議保險修正法案,壽險業可以開始販售投資型保險商品,此一商品的好處將「投資」、「保險」與「資產管理」結合而為一,所以投資型商品隱含著背後龐大的商機,因為對於現今的經濟環境確實有著相當大的助益,值得研究 本研究以消費者理論為基礎且以EBM Model為決策過程,使用問卷抽樣方式去探討。消費者行為研究中,人口統計變數最為常使用,藉由統計軟體分析,了解消費者特性。本章依據研究目的及文獻探討之後,提出投資型保險商品之男性消費者研究架構以人口統計變數及男性生活型態為自變數及提出研究假設。 本研究最後實證得到以下結果 一、 各集群在生活型態因素有所差異。 二、 各集群在需求動機上有顯著差異。 三、 各集群在評估準則有顯著差異。 四、 各集群在訊息來源部份的「產品說明會」、「宣傳廣告單」及「報章雜誌」有顯著差異。 五、 各集群在人口統計變數部份,在「教育程度」、「個人月所得」及「職業」有顯著差異有顯著差異。


The interest rate descends consumption level and wallet of fighting the people in general. Compound interest's rolling to increase wealth income is another way. But the person of real meeting is still a handful of men, hence the gap between rich and poor's pulling has to open more, the margin is also larger. If general citizen can't make use of wealth to create more wealths effectively, just only put in the bank, and acceptancy the super and low interest income. When in June, 2001, Legislative Yuan resolution insurance revision bill, The life insurance industry can start selling an investment linked insurance product . The advantage of this product will "investment", "insurance" unite as one with" property management" knot, for the economic environment of present very much a rather big help, deserve a research.。 The conceptual of framework is based on EBM Model. Market segmentation is based on life styles of users. In the consumer behavior research, Census taking variable most for often use. Factor analysis is employed for dimension reduction. then cluster analysis is applied for classification, and some statistical method, such as ANOVA ,chi-squares are used to test the research hypothesis. The study shows, 1. these three groups all exhibit significant difference after conducting an analysis of ANOVA. 2. these three groups show significant different on motivations. 3. these three groups show significant different on Criterion of assessment. 4. these three groups show significant different on Source of information. 5. After testing whether different variables of population statistics among different group :“education”,“average monthly income”,“occupation”,display significant difference .


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