  • 學位論文


Study of Brand Valuation Models: A Case of A Bicycle Brand in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳泰熙


我國企業長久以卓越的技術研發、設計與製造能力為世界大廠進行代工。然而近年來面對新興國家的價格威脅,臺灣廠商低成本的競爭優勢日漸式微,紛紛轉型發展自有品牌。現今國內廠商多屬中小型企業,缺乏發展自有品牌的經驗與能力,因此品牌價值推廣的概念,對於現階段面臨轉型的臺灣產業,其重要性不容小覷。特別是品牌評價在臺灣對於經營者與社會大眾尚屬於模糊的概念,其只知結果卻不了解過程的鑑價方式,無法針對臺灣中小企業的特性給予適當的指引或經營診斷。有鑑於此,本研究試圖統合出一套適合臺灣廠商特性之品牌評價公式,致力於將顧客心中的品牌價值量化成財務數值,並在品牌評價過程中檢視企業內部資源分配,提供企業作為發展國際品牌時的依據,以有效提高顧客忠誠度並轉化為長期營收。 本研究歸納分析各國品牌權益評價模型後,以德國BBDO品牌評價模型為主軸,透過以臺灣自行車品牌「捷安特」為例的實證與分析,在行銷面納入以顧客基礎的品牌權益量表作為品牌地位與市場領導力的衡量準則,發展出一套綜和財務與行銷觀點並適用於臺灣企業的品牌評價模型。在品牌權益量表的部分,本研究以臺灣地區民眾為受測母體,進行針對捷安特自行車的品牌權益測量其品牌地位,採電子問卷方式進行,共317人受訪,有效問卷275份。根據結果本研究發現捷安特在知名度、產品品質、市占率等,整體績效表現一致;但在品牌識別如認同度、社會價值傳遞等層面得分相對較低,因此建議未來捷安特欲有效加強其品牌權益,應該凸顯消費者情感或其他非功能屬性的訴求。 根據德國BBDO的品牌權益衡量模式,本研究所計算出捷安特2009年之品牌價值為新台幣1,203,647,566元整,然而品牌鑑價公式因為參照基準與公式計算方式的不同,所產生的歧異相當大,因此建議廠商應考量產業特性與經營策略以選擇適當之品牌評價方式。


In recent years, increased attention has been given to brand management in the marketing literature. In fact, various definitions of brand have been proposed in the past decades. However, the empirical basis of brand evaluation is vague, and its quantifying processes are unclear. The purpose of this study is to generate a simple and practical brand evaluation model based on a collection of existing, evaluated formulas. In this paper we ascertain the definition of brand and the components of brand equity. Various brand evaluation models currently used in different countries are compared, and their merits and flaws are analyzed. A two-phase study is then designed to calculate monetary and qualitative value from customers’ perspective. The evaluation of the monetary aspect is basically patterned from the BBDO model of Germany. Qualitative analysis of the questionnaires is conducted using the costumer-based brand equity (CBBE) scale to determine brand status and brand power based on customer perspectives. This paper aims to come up with an appropriate model for brand evaluation and apply it to Taiwanese industries as empirical evidence. The famous Taiwanese bicycle brand, GIANT, is selected as the empirical subject. The participants in this study are 275 Taiwanese tested through an online survey. Results show that the reputation, quality, and market share of GIANT are generally perceived positively by the Taiwanese. However, in terms of brand identification, such as social value, the result is not as good as expected. The finding indicates that GIANT needs to put more emphasis on non-functional attributes, such as brand image, if the company wants to effectively enhance its brand equity. According to the brand evaluation model of this study, the brand value of GIANT in 2009 was 1,203,647,566 NT dollars. However, the results generated from different evaluation models are sometimes largely varied due to various reference theories. Therefore, brand evaluations should be treated with caution. To conclude, this study is important in brand evaluation because it provides a simple and practical method for Taiwanese firms to measure their invisible assets.


Aaker, D. A. (1991), Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name, New York: The Free Press, c1991.


