  • 學位論文


Factors of Individual’s Generalized Trust

指導教授 : 張文俊


ㄧ般化信任是產生公共效益不可或缺的「社會資本(social capital)」,讓集體活動運作得以順利、成功,也是讓市場經濟得以健全的市場重要機制。然而,影響信任的原因眾多,本研究以台灣社會作為研究對象,以個體經濟學的淨利益極大化模型為理論依據,建立「信任綜合指標」作分析,實證上利用OLS及ordered probit model,探究個人基本概況、鄰里往來、社會活動參與概況對信任累積的影響。 實證結果顯示,團體參與和鄰里互動是累積信任的重要途徑,且教育程度、所得水準的增加,及公寓或大廈類型的居住環境皆有助提升個人信任水準。而離婚經驗與就業環境,對信任則是負面影響。參與團體數越多的個人信任水準越高,但團體形態的差異與團體組成的動機,對信任有很大的影響,以「宗教類團體或活動」、「公益慈善類活動」等類型的團體的參與,有助信任的累積;而「政治類團體或活動」、「自力救濟類活動」等類型的團體的參與,則不利信任的累積。 團體參與和信任水準間存在可能的內生性問題,但本研究所採用的問卷資料中,並無適宜作為工具變數的資料,未來研究可就此作延伸處理;信任涉及層面很廣,衡量不易,未來研究可藉研究實驗作較客觀的觀察;且個人信任並非短暫的環境變動所能改變,以橫縱資料作長期性觀察,將更增研究的完整性。


Generalized trust is a propensity of people in a society to cooperate and generate socially efficient outcomes. It often can enhance government efficiency and economic performance. In addition, generalized trust is an indispensable social capital for producing the collective benefits of the society. Based on the model of optimal social capital investment developed by Glaeser et al. (2002), this study empirically investigates the determinants of generalized trust for the case of Taiwan. From the estimations of ordinary least square model (OLS) and ordered probit model, the empirical results of this studies show that the participation of social activities and the interaction with neighbors are important factors for the accumulation of trust. Furthermore, educational attainment and income are positively correlated with the level of trust, but divorced and employed people are less likely to trust others. It is also found that different types of social groups have different effects on the accumulation of trust. Participations in religious and charitable groups can improve the level of trust, but participations in political activities and protesting activities are negatively associated with the level of trust. The potential problem of endogeneity between group participation and generalized trust can be overcome by using instrumental variables in the estimations when more data are available in the future.


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