  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Sovereign Debts.

指導教授 : 官德星


2008年美國金融危機造成全球陷入不景氣,世界各國為了拯救經濟,紛紛舉債增加財政支出,並利用擴張性貨幣政策使貨幣貶值進而刺激出口,以避免經濟蕭條。作者為了瞭解在不同情況時,於是分別考慮了日本、希臘、愛爾蘭、西班牙以及義大利之政府舉債與貨幣貶值對於經濟的影響。   作者經由日本與歐洲之代表性個人模型所得之比較靜態分析結果可知,政府債務的增加卻會使消費下降,因為可支配所得減少所致。貨幣貶值反而會使消費增加,因所得效果大於替代效果。是故,在代表性個人模型裡,當經濟不景氣時,政府不斷地舉借債務反而會使消費減少,但貨幣貶值卻能刺激出口,增加出口所得之收入,進而使景氣回溫。   根據實證分析之結果,雖然除西班牙以外,其餘各國之政府債務的增加對於消費所造成的影響並不明顯,但西班牙的實證分析結果卻與歐洲代表性個人所推得之比較靜態分析結果一致。匯率對於消費的影響則因不同國家而有所不同,對於日本而言,日圓貶值可使得景氣回溫。對於希臘與愛爾蘭而言,匯率對於消費沒有一定的影響方向,因此貨幣貶值未必能為希臘與愛爾蘭之消費有所提升。但對於西班牙及義大利而言,匯率對於消費的影響,卻與比較靜態分析之結果有著極大的差異,因此貨幣貶值對於西班牙與義大利而言反而是極大的傷害。


政府舉債 貨幣貶值 消費


Many people believe sovereign default is something that happens to others in other countries and in the past; Serial default does not happen here and now. We can do much better, we have much more knowledge, and we can solve the financial crisis in 2008 easily. However, in fact, the situation nowadays seems not different from the past. In this paper I take Japan, Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy as examples to study the effects of sovereign debts on these economies. A theoretical model is built and the tool of vector autoregression (VAR) is used to analyze the effects of sovereign debts and exchange rates on the consumption of these countries.   The results are as follows. First, the more public debt is, the lower consumption would be, whereas the depreciated currency can stimulate the consumption. Second, the outcome about the effect of public debt on consumption is almost the same as that from the theoretical model, whereas the effect of exchange rate on consumption is quite different. Third, the effect of exchange rate on consumption in different countries is dissimilar.


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