  • 學位論文


Urban Heterotopias:Motel in Taichung’s New Phase-7 Zoning Area

指導教授 : 郭肇立


在美國汽車旅館原是功能性的,提供長途汽車旅行的過夜客棧。但進入台灣後出現了變化,何以國內的汽車旅館是以休閒遊憩的觀念經營?不僅如此,在台中七期重劃區,居然有多家汽車旅館聚集於此,有別於汽車旅館零星設立在郊區的印象。而目前汽車旅館對七期重劃區地方發展的影響,主要就是當地土地利用、都市地景與都市人休閒型態等改變。所以本研究試圖以台灣汽車旅館與美國汽車旅館的特質比較,結合都市漫遊理論分析,找尋台灣汽車旅館出現在都市之原因,並期望能了解台灣本地「汽車族」及都會大眾在都市中的新生活形態。 再者,台中市七期重劃區的汽車旅館聞名遐邇,它有各式各樣的汽車旅館,入夜後盡是Motel的閃亮招牌,但是七期重劃區不僅只有汽車旅館,還有燈紅酒綠的酒店、KTV、著名的百貨公司、造型特異的大型餐廳、售價千萬的豪宅與別墅、新市政中心與國家音樂廳的預定地,以及史前文化遺址。本研究對於一個都市的新興地區竟然能呈現這麼多面貌感到詫異?這樣一個地方無疑是都市中的差異地點。本文企圖以都市差異地點之觀點來探討時下汽車旅館與都市的關係,希望藉台灣特殊的汽車旅館文化來探討本地都市文化現代性的「狂喜與不安」。 另一方面,汽車旅館已經成為消費文化的一環,同時卻也呈現了一個不同於以往的非常「流動性」與非常「匿名性」的空間特質,創造都市中的差異地點(heterotopias),在其獨特的都市空間型態(urban morphology)之間創造本地都會的現代性。本研究結合差異地點理論找尋台中七期主體性的同時,亦要探討經濟活動下與汽車旅館的連動關係。


In the United States, motels are functional. However, their counterparts in Taiwan are not so. Taiwan’s motels are designed to provide leisure and recreation to catering their customers. Moreover, unlike in the U.S. where most motels and motor inns are located by the side of roads of suburb areas, a number of motels are popping up fast in downtown of Taichung’s new phase-7 zoning area. These motels located in downtown Taichung have tremendous influence to the city’s landscapes, land-use, as well as to its residents’ recreation style. The paper attempts to make a comparative study between Taiwanese motels and their American counterparts with the Flaneur. The paper wants to find an explanation of why Taiwan’s motels located in side the city, and also to study closely of the new lifestyle to Taiwanese motorists and city dwellers after the popping up of motels. Moreover, Taichung's new phase-7 zoning area is famous for numbers of luxurious, villa-style motels located in the area. The new area, however, offers more than just motels, but also pubs, KTV, famous department stores, and large-size restaurants, luxurious houses. A new civic center and a national music hall will also be build in the Taichung's new phase-7 zoning area.At the same time, the area also has a famous prehistoric relic.It is extremely fascinating that such an area can present so many different looks at the same time, therefore, the paper believes the Taichung's new phase-7 zoning area is definitely a Heterotopias in the city.The paper attempts to study the correlation between motels and the city with the perspective of Heterotopias.For this reason, the paper also aims to look closely the “ecstasy and uneasiness” of Taiwan’s modern urban culture by studying the nation’s unique motels. On the other hand, motels have played a significant role in customers culture of the nation. The motels also at the same time exhibit a unique mobility and Anonymity quality and help to create heterotopias of the city. With a distinctive urban morphology, motels have created modernity of Taiwan’s urban area.Aside from finding the subjectivity of Taichung's new phase-7 zoning area by combining the heterotopias theory, the paper will also discuss motels relationship with economic activities.


Flaneur Anonymity Heterotopias


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趙珮華(2010)。當代城市空間遊牧者 - 創意市集的公共地誌〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00543
