  • 學位論文


“Deep Water must be Crossed with the Clothes on, Shallow Water may be Crossed with the Clothes Held up”—Self-Transformation of a Community Actor through Community Participation.

指導教授 : 張菁芬


本文紀錄的是一位帶著多重身份進入社區場域的行動者,在2008-2012年間運用不同途徑或社區方案進入新北市泰山區與社區組織及社區居民互動的歷程。在經歷持續性的蹲點紮根之後,研究者 (行動者) 發現隨著不同階段 (蟄伏期、依附期、扎根期、開拓期) 的行動進展,社區組織及社區居民看待研究者的角色、權力、態度與信任感也會有所改變,進而影響社區內部成員與行動者建立合作關係的動力與意願,而行動者也因著不同的實踐機緣,使得自身得不斷在局內人及局外人之間擺盪遊走藉以完成某些任務。本文的研究目的,即是透過洞悉這些身分、權力、關係及行動抉擇的轉變,探討一位具社會工作背景的學生如何在扮演社區行動者的角色中,看見自身與行動場域在不同階段事件中的關係轉化與拉鋸,並隨時調整計畫與心態以因應變動的場域情境,以此呼應行動者的「深則厲、淺則揭」精神。 鑒於「實踐總在理論之前,經驗必定來自實踐」的理念,由於本文的關注議題是由研究者在社區的諸多行動所堆捲而來,且多與當地居民有著密切的連繫關係,透過協力同工模式彼此針對實踐內涵進行調整與回饋,故本文將採取「行動研究」(Action Research) 為導向,結合深度訪談、焦點團體、參與觀察與文獻分析等三角驗證的多元研究方法,一方面表達自我觀點,同時也將大量表述場域內其他成員的心聲,務求將研究者與社區場域互動的真實狀態做一完整呈現。同時在研究當中,研究者亦會不斷「反觀照鏡」、「批判內省」,真誠探求內心的聲音,將行動足跡對照自我的社區生活感悟及社會工作學習經驗,藉以看見一個研究者兼行動者在「規劃、行動、觀察、反思」之迴圈歷程中的成長、轉化與調適。


This study described how a community actor with multiple identities entered Taishan District of New Taipei City via various approaches and community programs and interacted with community organizations and residents during 2008~2012. Through a long stay in this community, the researcher (actor) found the community organizations’ and residents’ perception of my role, power, attitude and trust for me changed along the four stages of my actions (latency, attachment, rooting, and development), further affecting internal members’ and the actor’s motivation and intention to establish cooperative relationship. With the situation, the actor had to constantly switch his identity between being an insider and being an outsider to accomplish certain tasks. The purpose of this study was to focus on changes in status, power, relationship, and actions to investigate how a student with a social work background and playing the role of a community actor saw the transformation and development of his relations with the action field and constantly adjusted my plan and attitude to cope with varying situations. This study attempted to reveal the actor’s belief that “Deep water must be crossed with the clothes on; shallow water may be crossed with the clothes held up”. As “Practice comes before theory, and experiences comes from practice”, this study was concerned with issues that the researcher has encountered in numerous actions and most of which were closely related to local residents. Therefore, this study employed action research approach, with the methodology based on in-depth interview, focus-group interview, participant observation, literature analysis, and triangulation. In addition to personal views, the researcher also expressed the voice of other members in the action field to truthfully present my interactions with the community. In addition, the researcher also explored inner voices in himself through constant self-reflection and introspection. By looking into personal action footprint, reactions to community life, and experiences gained from social work, the researcher managed to highlight his growth, transformation, and adjustment in the cycle of “planning, action, observation, and reflection”.


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