  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Dynamic Network Process to Walking and Cycling Environment Designing Strategies under TOD

指導教授 : 衛萬明


近年來,都市除了面臨能源短缺與氣候變遷等外部威脅外,內部的交通擁擠與環境污染往往成為許多都市亟欲解決的問題之一。反觀過去以私人汽車為導向的都市發展,所產生許多環境與社會上的負面影響,大眾運輸導向發展(transit-oriented development, TOD)被視為可實現永續發展之都市模式。同時,在國際能源價格上漲及降低碳排放趨勢下,眾多都市開始研擬節能減碳之策略,TOD提倡以大眾運輸結合友善的行人步行及自行車空間環境設計亦受到重視,且相對於目前依賴石化能源之汽車而言,行人步行及自行車所屬之非機動(non-motorized)運具有環保、安全、有益人類健康及互動等優點。此外,由於環境變動常影響規劃者決策,本研究考量與時間相依(time dependent)之規劃概念,應用動態網路程序法(Dynamic Network Process, DNP)探討TOD環境下有助於行人步行及騎乘自行車之空間設計策略。 本研究為探討TOD下行人步行及自行車空間環境設計策略,首先對國內外相關文獻進行回顧與分析,並歸納整理出過去研究較注重之TOD下行人步行及自行車空間設計因子,依其種類分為「安全性」、「便利性」、「寧適性」三大面向共十五項設計因子;接著以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Technique, FDT)專家問卷篩選出較重要之設計準則;最後透過DNP專家問卷得到於不同時間點下之各設計準則權重,並依準則權重動態趨勢來研擬合適之策略,作為面對動態環境下規劃者進行未來資源分配時之參考依據。


In recent years, in addition to face the external threats such as energy shortages and climate change, traffic congestion and environmental pollution have become anxious problems for many cities. Considering private automobile-oriented urban development had produced many negative environmental and social impacts, the transit-oriented development (TOD) has been considered as a sustainable urban model. TOD encourages public transport combined with friendly walking and cycling environment designs, however, non-motorized modes help improving human health, energy saving, and reducing carbon emissions. Due to environmental changes often affect the planners’ decision-making, the research applies dynamic network process (DNP) which include the time dependent concept to promoting friendly walking and cycling environmental designs. The research aims to discuss what kinds of design strategies can improve a friendly walking and cycling environment under TOD. First, we collate and analyze walking and cycling environment designing factors by reviewing of relevant literatures, divided into “safety”, “convenience”, and “amenity” three aspects for a total of fifteen designing factors. Then, we use fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDT) expert questionnaire to filter out the more important designing criteria for the study case. Finally, we utilized DNP expert questionnaire to obtain designing criteria’ weights changes at different time points, and according to the changing trends of criteria’ weights to develop appropriate designing strategies, as the reference for planners to allocate resources in a dynamic environment.


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