  • 學位論文


A Study on Applicable Requirement of the Suspended Implementation and the Provisional Injunction-Contrast with the Japanese Administrative Litigation Law

指導教授 : 陳春生


民國八十七年修正之行政訴訟法,修正停止執行條文及創設了公法上假處分制度,自民國八十九年施行以來至今已運作將近十年,從結果而論法院裁定准予暫時權利保護的比例甚低,究竟是實務操作法條過嚴,或是立法者設計暫時權利保護的意旨。本文擬透過法學比較獲取更廣泛的資料,藉由認知諸多法秩序的共同點與差異點,更能清楚掌握法學思維結構,如何經由不同的法律結構實現同一法理念,使本國法更易於了解而有助於學術上的認識。本文選擇以日本法為比較對象,係因我國法制發展深受日本法影響皆採「執行不停止原則」,且日本與我國具有相同的生活問題,而論證方法更為豐富、實踐上有更多解決經驗的法秩序。 針對停止執行制度,行政訴訟法第116條的法條文字與日本2004年修正以前停止執行的法條文字相同,立法目的皆為了確保行政權的順利運作而採取「執行不停止原則」,且就例外保護處分相對人權利的情況設置了嚴格的要件,本文擬透過日本修法前學說及實務對停止執行實體要件的解釋與適用,供我國法院運作停止執行制度的參考。而日本在2004年修法回應例外停止執行的實體要件太過嚴格,而放寬停止執行的實體要件,並明文指示法院在論證有無「重大損害」時,應衡量「損害回復的困難度」、「損害的性質及受損害的程度」及「處分的內容與性質」,此規定亦轉移了歷來實務只重視當事人損害的性質為何,而要求法院須就損害的性質及受侵害的程度,及處分的內容與性質作利益衡量,讓法院必須完整的審查各種不同的因素以為決定,為實體審查標準下「利益衡量說」的體現。 針對公法上的假處分,行政訴訟法第298條係源於民事訴訟法第538條的規定,而日本法制與我國的發展方向相反,其行政事件訴訟法第44條規定「行政機關之處分及其他公權力行為,不得為民事保全法規定之假處分」,日本公法上假處分的法律要件與停止執行的法律要件較為接近,並可互相參照。本文擬透過日本如何形塑公法上假處分制度的介紹,提供我國另一個思考的路徑,因法條文字正在體現立法者所為的利益衡量,而公法上假處分當事人間的利益分配,與民事訴訟法雙方皆為私人的利益分配相較,應與行政訴訟法的利益分配較為近似,而應與停止執行條文為相似的規定。 立法者雖已就暫時權利保護的利益衡量與價值判斷作出初步的決定,表現在行政訴訟法第116條停止執行及第298條公法上假處分的法條文字上,本文希望藉由日本暫時權利保護制度的重大變革,提供我國適用暫時權利保護制度另一個思考方向,讓我國在解釋暫時權利保護制度時能更有意識地運用法條規定,以體現立法精神。


In the 87th year of the Republic of China, the revised version of Administrative Litigation Law revised article of suspended implementation and created provisional disposition system of public law. It has been almost 10 years since it took effect in the 89th year of the Republic of China. Showing from the results, the percentage of provisional legal protection ordered by court is quite low. Is it because the legislation on practical operation is too stringent, or is it the embodiment of legislator’s purpose to design provisional legal protection. This paper intends to acquire more extensive materials through comparative jurisprudence, better master legal thinking structure with the help of the similarity and difference of lots of legal orders, and how to realize a legal concept via various legal structures to make our laws more accessible to facilitate academic perspectives. This paper selects Japanese law as the comparison object, because the development of our legal system has been profoundly affected by that of Japan, both adopting ‘Non-Suspended Implementation Principle’. In addition, Japan and our country have similar living problems, while Japan has a legal order with more plentiful reasoning approaches and more practical experiences. Legislators have made preliminary decision on interest evaluation and value judgement of provisional legal protection, showing on article 116 of Administrative Litigation Law on suspended implementation, and article 298 of public law on provisional disposition. However, this paper hopes that profound reformation of Japan provisional legal protection system could provide us a different perspective, so that we could apply legal provision more consciously to embody legislative spirit when explaining provisional legal protection system.


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