  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Taiwan Stock Index Forecast and Rotation

指導教授 : 古永嘉


資訊科技發達,投資人能輕易獲得各種的分析方法與資訊,但仍要面臨最佳投資進出時點作決定,與如何取捨何種投資建議的困擾。然而,股票證券市場素有經濟櫥窗之稱,如果没有藉由景氣指標來掌握整體景氣循環脈動,選擇對的股票在對的時間點進行投資或處分,即使是選對產業、選對標的、做好最適配置資產組合,仍無法獲得預期的報酬,可見掌握投資標的的趨勢與時機點之重要性。 本研究以臺灣景氣指標與類股指數為研究對象,資料來源取自『行政院經濟建設委員會』及『臺灣證券交易所』,研究期間為1999年1月至2009年12月,共十一年月資料,132個樣本。本研究將市場股價指數、電子工業類股指數、電機機械類股指數、電器電纜類股指數、金融保險類股指數、機電類股指數設為依變數,景氣指標設為自變數,利用逐步迴歸分析與古典時間序列分析-X11季節分解法進行實證分析。結果發現: 一、 落後一期至六期之景氣指標對於當期之市場及類股指數,具有顯著之影響性及預測性。 二、 市場及各類股指數具季節性波動與淡旺季特性。 三、 可藉由市場及各類股指數的長期趨勢及週期性,預測其輪動關係。


Investors can easily obtain various analysis methods and financial advices in this well-developed information technology environment, but making the optimal investing decision can still be confusing with numerous investing suggestions on the market. However, stock markets provide a foreseeable financial development for investors to estimate the perfect timing to process the commerce as gateway to comprehend the macroeconomic. Somehow it is not enough to have the predicted remuneration even with all the best combination of investing principles, therefore it shows how important it is to monitor the investing trend and when is the timing at its peak. This study sets the stock index as the final result, the business indicator as a cause, applying to The Stepwise Regression Analysis and The Classic Time Series Decomposition-X11, as the result, the variable behavior mutually influences each other. The material is originally taken from & quoted『Business indicators database, Council for Economic Planning and Development. R.O.C. Taiwan』and 『Taiwan stock exchange』, the study for the period of Year 1999 to 2009, a total of eleven years with 132 samples. The study will stock index rate-of-located in the best variable, set the quarter of a pointer to business indicators is set to variable. Empirical results found: 1. Early stage form one to six between a period of business indicators means the stock index of the current period against the forecast have significant impact. 2. The various stock index has the seasonal fluctuation and the off season or busy season.The various stock index's long-term trend and the periodicity, may utilize in forecast that wheel of the various stock moves relations.


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