  • 學位論文


A study of Pan, Zi-mu's "Ji Zuan Yuan Hai.

指導教授 : 王國良


《記纂淵海》為南宋潘自牧所編纂之類書,其性質與一般類書大不同,據潘氏自序可知他認為前人編纂類書是為了備忘便於查考用,並列舉歷來類書加以說明,另外他也認為以前的類書多為記事,而他則打算參考前人編纂記事體類書的形式,編纂出一部與眾不同之記言體形式的類書《記纂淵海》。宋本《記纂淵海》是蒐集古籍中言論之語句,分類編纂而成的一部類書。觀其類目安排,如「不求人知」、「堅忍不拔」、「憂禍相仍」等,有些許類似語文詞典之性質,推測其作用可能是提供科舉考試之參考使用。   《記纂淵海》之版本系統有二:一為宋本系統,分有宋刻本、宋鈔本、元刻本、明鈔本、明銅活字本;一為明本系統,有明刻本。宋本之主要編纂者為南宋潘自牧,而明本之內容與宋本差異甚大,甚至編纂原則已有所不同。宋本主要蒐錄「記言體」之內容,明本除了原有「記言體」之內容,已混入「記事體」,因此其編纂者則不宜僅專指潘自牧一人。若以編纂內容來說,明本已背離潘自牧原先「記言」之宗旨,喪失潘氏原先的編纂理念,所以本文所選定之研究課題係為潘自牧之《記纂淵海》,亦即宋本系統《記纂淵海》。   本文首先介紹宋本《記纂淵海》編纂者-潘自牧之生平及交遊,而後論及宋本《記纂淵海》之編撰過程。接著進行宋本《記纂淵海》之版本探討,先從歷代書目著手,歷代書目中對該書之著錄頗多,考查書目中對宋本《記纂淵海》之著錄,將其蒐集整理分類,加以敘述。另外,也綜合前人對《記纂淵海》版本之研究,歸納出《記纂淵海》之版本有宋本系統及明本系統的差別,再進行宋本系統《記纂淵海》之版本介紹。   再者,針對宋本系統《記纂淵海》之體例及徵引文獻作一析論。為求能客觀地分析原書體例及徵引文獻,便從原典入手,即對該書之內容作資料建檔,再加以統計分析。最後,則是析論宋本系統《記纂淵海》之價值及其對後世之影響、未來之展望等。


記纂淵海 潘自牧 類書 宋代類書


“Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” is sort of “Genus-Collection” (Lei shu) compiled and summarized by a scholar Pan Zi-Mu in Soutehern Song Dynasty. This edition differed greatly from all other similar “Genus-Collections” (Lei shu) in past histories. In the preface, he stated by himself that nearly all the compilations made in the past history were for functions of reference and recordings and he also cited lots of the “Genus-Collections” (Lei shu) in the past with comprehensive interpretations. That thus created a motivation for him to develop “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” by means of a unique literature edition written in the “Opinion Record Style”. Within the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Version”, lots of theoretical sentences in ancient writing were compiled separately into many categories with covering many topics. In consideration of the category arrangement for the edition and compilation, such as “Seeking Knowledge Oneself”, “Attitudes of Endurance and Perseverance” and “Frequency of Anxiety and Disaster” demonstrate linguistic phrases to certain extent that are deduced as for the purpose of studying references for imperial examinations. There have two versions for the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai”: the first is Song-Dynasty-Style, inclusive of “Song-Dynasty-Edition” and “Song-Dynasty-Publication” and ‘Yuan-Dynasty-Copper-Monograph” and “Ming-Dynasty-Publication” and “Ming-Dynasty-Copper-Letter-Print”; the second is the “Ming-Dynasty-Style”, including only one “Ming-Dynasty-Publication”. The “Song-Dynasty-Version” mainly was mainly compiled by Pan, Zi-Mu. Afterwards, the contents of “Ming-Dynasty-Version” evolved with much difference with that of “Song-Dynasty-Version” due to integration with “Event-Record-Style” in addition to the previous “Opinion Record Style”. The reason is the second version were compiled by lots of writers instead of being compiled by mainly Pan, Zi-Mu alone. Therefore, the contents of the second version were already deviated from the original compilation ideology of Pan, Zi-Mu written in “Opinion-Record-Style”. Based on the aforesaid analysis, the research topic adopted for this essay is thus the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” compiled by Pan, Zi-Mu, namely the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” featuring literature and culture of “Song-Dynasty-Style”. In this essay, it is initiated from analysis on the editor of “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai”-- Pan, Zi-Mu in respect of his life careers and social relationship. The second part focuses on evaluation on the compilation ideology and development procedures of “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Style”. Another topic of this essay is the research on “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Style” having in term of historical books and volumes compiled inside this edition. In the past histories, many literature collections were endowed with opinions and comments or citations from this edition. Meanwhile, this essay is included with an integral analysis is for summarizing some ancient researches regarding the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” and then with comparisons of the differences between “Song-Dynasty-Style” and “Ming-Dynasty-Style”. Another research is in-depth introduction of the “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Style”. This essay also concentrates on edition mechanism and also citation principles—in term of theory analysis-of “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Style”. For full grasp of the original edition mechanism and cited historical reference documents in neutrality, the author thus has conducted file establishment for the contents of the original compilation version in addition with statistical analysis. Finally, there includes analysis of the theorem and the conceptualization regarding the values of “Ji Zuan Yuan Hai” of “Song-Dynasty-Style” and how this writing have influenced the histories afterwards and future perspective.


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