  • 學位論文


A Study of” Ho-Kuan-Chi”:Take Bibliographic History and Literature Review for Example

指導教授 : 葉國良


《鶡冠子》為先秦黃老學派典籍之一,但因其辭古義茂,所呈現之思想雜蕪,自唐代韓愈撰寫〈讀鶡冠子〉與柳宗元著〈辯鶡冠子〉二文後,開啟後世對於《鶡冠子》真偽的探討,而《鶡冠子》的注解本也遲至北宋陸佃三卷十九篇本後才出現,使得歷代書目與研究者,亦多以偽書視之。自二十世紀七十年代以降,許多文獻資料陸續出土,讓許多學者重新注意到這本古籍,並提出新的研究成果。本文嘗試以歷代書目資料與前賢發表的各種意見,做一綜合性的探論,以期深入瞭解《鶡冠子》的成書年代、作者、思想源流及其與西漢以前諸子學之關聯等相關問題。 本文共計六章:第一章為緒論。主要針對先秦以來諸子學術發展,概述本論文研究之方向與選取之文獻資料,並將《鶡冠子》研究分為六個時期,簡介歷代學者對於《鶡冠子》之研究成果與其內容述要,勾勒《鶡冠子》之篇章架構與思想輪廓。 第二章為《鶡冠子》作者作時及真偽的討論。概論自《漢志》以來,史籍中對《鶡冠子》記載的情形與諸賢對其真偽的討論,並從不同的論點來考證《鶡冠子》應為秦漢之際黃老學派的一流,以現存資料推測《鶡冠子》的作者與成書年代。 第三章為歷代《鶡冠子》的版本與輯佚。蒐集目前可見之版本,觀察自宋代以後《鶡冠子》流傳之概況。利用歷代公藏或私人編著的書志、書評、明代以前之類書等紀錄做一比較分析,探討《鶡冠子》於歷代之分類與篇卷分合、數量等問題。 第四章則從歷代書志統計與篇目考證看《鶡冠子》。將歷代書志書評資料作一整理,而本章則從歷代書志書評資料的統計與篇目考證來探討《鶡冠子》的真偽。 第五章則是利用西漢以前諸子書與《鶡冠子》對校,並找出與其高度正相關的文詞,以了解《鶡冠子》與先秦諸子的思想關聯。其中,透過對書中「道」與「元氣」相關文字的敘述,嘗試分析出《鶡冠子》天道觀、陰陽與人事的思想尋找其與黃老道家學說關聯,發展出以「無為而治」為主,含有名、法、五行諸家學說並體現用賢的思想與法治的觀念的治國藍圖。最後聚焦探討其與先秦兵家思想的關聯,說明《鶡冠子》為何以軍事為治國的第一要務的觀念,與使用政治外交的謀略達到「不戰而屈人之兵」的至高境界與各項軍事規劃。 第六章是總結諸賢所論或辯證《鶡冠子》為先秦古籍的真偽問題與出土文獻的比較研究,並對《鶡冠子》書中思想脈絡討論。在前賢所奠定的基礎上,嘗試闡述《鶡冠子》中的天道觀、政治思想、軍事思想及其與先秦諸子思想間的關係,並依其篇章之特性,論定《鶡冠子》應為成書於西漢而非先秦時期的子書。 綜合各章所陳述的問題,應該能將《鶡冠子》這部黃老學派古籍的內容完整呈現。


“Ho-Kuan-Chi” is one of the Qin Huang-Lao school’s ancient books and records. But the ancient meaning is not the same as today, presented by the thinking of miscellaneous weeds. After “Read Ho-Kuan-Chi” written by Han Yu and “Debate Ho-Kuan-Chi” written by Liu Zongyuan in the Tang Dynasty, people started to talk over if it is genuine. And “Ho-Kuan-Chi” is also of note until the Northern Song Dian Lu volumes after the emergence of the 19. It makes the history bibliographic and researchers think it is a pseudograph. Many literatures have been unearthed since the seventies the twentieth century, so many scholars restarted to notice this ancient books and brought up new research results. This article attempts to use history bibliographic information and the various views expressed by sages to make a comprehensive exploration. With a view to having better understanding with the related issues and relevance of “Ho-Kuan-Chi” during the book, the author, thinking of the origins and its relationship with sages’ theories before the Western Han Dynasty. There are six chapters in this article. The first chapter is Introduction. It focuses on the academic development of each school since the pre-Qin which outlines in this paper, and the direction of research literature and selection. It also divides the study of “Ho-Kuan-Chi” into six periods and talks about history research scholars’ achievements and references to the content. It outlines its structure and thinking of the whole profile. The second chapter is the discussion of when the “Ho-Kuan-Chi” was written and whether it is genuine or fake. An introduction since the "Han-chi" and historical records of “Ho-Kuan-Chi” recorded in the case with the discussion of the authenticity of the sages. And arguments from different research, “Ho-Kuan-Chi” should be the occasion of the Huang-lao school in Qin and Han Dynasty. Using the material in existence to speculate the author and when the book was finished. In the same time, collect the current version which can be seen to observe the future from the Song Dynasty and the spread of “Ho-Kuan-Chi”. The third chapter is the record of local historic books for the public and private commentary of “Ho-Kuan-Chi”. Use possession or the public and private history and edited the book blogs, book reviews and other records to make a comparative analysis of “Ho-Kuan-Chi” in the history of the number of such issues like classification and total volume division. The fourth chapter is to observe “Ho-Kuan-Chi” from the historic books statistics and verification table of contents. Local historic books will make a commentary collate information, and this chapter from the historic books of the Annals of Statistics and commentary information on research to explore the table of contents “Ho-Kuan-Chi” authenticity. The fifth chapter is use historic books before the Western Han Dynasty to compare with “Ho-Kuan-Chi” and to identify a highly positive correlation with the words of the text in order to understand “Ho-Kuan-Chi” and the idea of pre-Qin philosophers association. Besides, "Tao" and "strength" of the narrative related to the text through the book trying to analyze the relation of the Way of Nature, Ying-Yang and people’s thinking between Huang-Lao Taoism theories to develop the main idea: “Rule by Doing Nothing.," containing the school of Logicians, the Legalism and the five elements theory and reflect all at home with the idea of yin, the rule of law and the concept of a blueprint for the country. At last, focus on exploring its strategic thinking and the relevance of the pre-Qin and describing why “Ho-Kuan-Chi” is the military's top priority for the country‘s concept and with the use of political and diplomatic strategy to achieve "non-combat soldiers of the enemy" and the high level of military planning. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of every sage or debate if the “Ho-Kuan-Chi” is the pre-books for the authenticity of the problem and the comparative study of the literature unearthed. It also has the discussion of the ideological context of this book. On the basis of the sages’ achievements, it tries to elaborate on the Way of Nature, Political Thought, Military Thought and its relationship between Pre-Qin’s thinking in “Ho-Kuan-Chi”. And by the characteristics of the above chapter, “Ho-Kuan-Chi” should be a book rather than the pre-Qin period to the Western Han Dynasty, the son of the book. And with the various chapters of the issues, “Ho-Kuan-Chi” should be able to presents Huang-lao’s integrity of the content in this book.


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