  • 學位論文

單一選區兩票制下國民黨與民進黨 提名制度之研究─以第七屆及第八屆立委選舉為例

The Comparative Study of Nominational Institution between KMT and DPP in the“Single-District Two-Vote System” :the 7th and 8th Legislator Election

指導教授 : 張世賢


政黨是一群具有共同目標,理念或利益而結合成的組織體,藉由從事提名與競選活動爭取執政和人事控制權。我國立委選舉前六屆屬於複數選區單記不可讓渡投票制,國民黨與民進黨在追求黨內民主與擴大民意的方向下,不斷的修改提名制度,提名權也都朝向分權發展。但由於選制的關係,不論是提名或選舉過程,黨內競爭都較黨際競爭激烈。而在單一選區下,獲得大黨的提名將有助於當選,提名就演變成正式選舉的前哨戰,提名考量則從黨內競爭逐漸演變成黨際競爭。政黨提名受到許多外部環境(如政黨競爭、選舉制度等)及內部因素(如黨內民主、黨內派系等)的影響而一直在變動,其中又以選舉制度最為重要。我國在不同選舉制度下,兩黨的提名策略有何不同;在第七屆跟第八屆兩黨提名制度是否有調整,考量因素為何;兩黨對於各選區分別採用何種提名方式、提名結果造成何種影響等,以上都是本文研究的範圍。 本文採用文獻分析法,主要研究對象為國民兩黨第一屆至第八屆立委提名制度的背景、變革、策略與影響,其中在第七屆跟第八屆將整理中選會選舉資料庫數據,實際驗證兩黨在七十三個選區下提名方式與黨內競爭、政黨實力差距的互動關係,及提名權的分布情況。研究結果發現:1、兩黨立委提名策略逐漸以政黨實力為主要考量,提名方式則依選舉結果、政黨屬性及選區生態而不同。2、政黨提名權力並非都朝向分權化,而是做彈性調整,兩黨第八屆需要初選的選區皆減少了,民進黨有過半的選區使用徵召,可見地方黨部及黨中央收回不少提名權。 本文結論指出:兩黨的提名制度皆已逐漸建立起民主化與公平性,且可提出“好”的候選人。在單一選區兩票制下,唯有透過“適合”的提名制度,建立以政黨為中心的政黨政治,這樣政黨才能賡續發展。


The political party is an organization made up by people who with the same purpose, belief and interest,gain the power of governance and personnel control through the nomination and campaign.The Taiwan’s previous six legislator elections belong to SNTV. KMT and DPP had been modifying nominational systems in order to pursuit of inner-party democracy and expanded public opinion and their nominational systems also developed towards decentralization. Because of the electoral system, gaining the nomination of big party will help win an election, and the nomination became official outpost war. The nomination will change competition from inner to inter party. Political party nomination system always affected by many external and internal factors of the environment, one of the most important is the electoral system. Under the different electoral system, what are the differences between the two party's nominational strategy? Are there any adjustment between the seventh and eighth nomination system? what kind of nomination for two parties used in each electoral district in Taiwan? what impacts were the nomination leaded to? All of them are the topics of the study. This paper uses the literature analysis. Main object of the research are transformation, background, strategies and impact of KMT and DPP's nominational system from the first to the eighth legislator elections. The author collected and summarized the election database from Central Election Committee to verify that the two parties’ interaction between each other, competition inner party and party's strength in 73 electoral districts, and the distribution of the right to nominate. The findings of the study:1.The nominational strategy of two party gradually take party strength into the main account, nomination is in accordance with the election results, political parties proporty, ecological properties and constituency. 2.The nominational power of political party were not moving towards decentralization, but made flexible adjustments. This article concludes that the KMT and DPP's nominational system had gradually established democratization and equity, and can pick out the appropriate candidates. In Single-District Two Votes only depend on “appropriate” nominational system and establish a party politics of party-centric , so that the political parties can develop continuously.


nomination institution




