  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effective Implementation of Green Building Materials in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王世燁


台灣地處高溫潮濕之亞熱帶海島型氣候,又因全球暖化的效應,使得室內環境易成為細菌的溫床。以兼顧環境生態永續前提之下,創造優質室內空間。因此,藉由我國推行綠建材實施成效之議題,檢視綠建材推廣使用之普及,為本研究之主要動機。另一方面,經產學研各方面領域之觀點,透過訪談其探究我國推行綠建材的實踐經驗中,所產生的問題。此外,以我國舉辦「2010台北國際花卉博覽會新生三館」為檢驗案例,藉以分析新生三館的綠建材使用率,是否符合建築技術規則第321條之規定。最後,經由供給及需求之兩面向提出我國推行綠建材實施成效之問題,以作為日後我國推廣綠建材使用普及化之參考。 我國綠建材之推展有許多疑慮之處,如法令不適宜之規定等問題,無非是期能政府減化標章認證費用及流程、明定具體獎勵之誘因,以及教育宣導等配套措施。此外,以「2010台北國際花卉博覽會新生三館之綠建材使用率」為研究案例,經檢驗後發現,新生三館的綠建材使用率為35.44%,已符合建築技術規則中綠建材使用率之規定。最後,藉由供給及需求兩大面向說明我國推行綠建材實施成效之問題,並提出改善策略:(1)法規面:室內空氣品質管理法、建築物室內裝修管理辦法及建築技術規則改善綠建材相關適宜之規定;(2)制度面:強化綠建材與綠建築之結合,以利提高綠建材使用之誘因,並修訂綠建材通則之規範,以作為綠建材申請之適宜門檻;(3)市場面:綠建材之價格並未較為昂貴,且價格與需求量有關,若綠建材廣泛使用,屆時大量生產,價格勢必調降,進而提升綠建材之市場競爭力;(4)推廣面:將綠建材教育落實於國人日常生活中,以廣為國人所知;(5)執行面:強化綠色採購與綠建材推廣之關連,並提供綠建材使用獎勵之誘因,如:現階段申請與使用綠建材給予補助、或於在測試費用給予補助或初期減免,期能擴大綠建材使用之普及。 「共同響應綠建材」不應只是單純的口號或標題,應以因地制宜的理念,從法規、制度、市場、推廣及執行五面向之確實執行,俾能對我國綠建材推廣之普及,以達到永續發展之目標。


Taiwan is an island at the subtropical zone, with humid and warm climate; besides, as the effect of global warming, it easily makes indoor environment in Taiwan be the breeding grounds for germs. Under the situation of environmental and ecological sustainable development, it should be given consideration to not only environmental but also better quality of indoor environment. Hence, on the issue of Green Building Material’s implement effect in Taiwan, the purpose of this research was to investigate the popularity of Green Building Material, including its promoting conditions and its application. This research involved interviews on economic, industrial, and academic fields about practical experience and difficulties they faced while prompting Green Building Material. Furthermore, we looked at the example of “Taipei International Flora Exposition Xinsheng Three Museum“ which is surveyed by its utilization for green building material and if it follow the 321 of the construction and architecture regulations. Results of this research showed the situations and difficulties on both aspects of supply and demand, and it is hoped that this results would be beneficial to enhance the utilization for green building material in Taiwan. However, there still are a lot of doubts on promoting Green Building Material in Taiwan, such as the unfavourable laws and regulations it has been mentioned, and it is expecting the government to decrease the fee of standard authentication and the processes of application, to make the specific incentive, and to take other supplementary measures, such as educational promotion etc. In the case study of” the utilization for green building material in Taipei International Flora Exposition Xinsheng Three Museum”, we found the utilization for green building material, 35.44%, which is accorded with the construction and architecture regulations about the utilization for green building material. To conclude, this research may present the current problem in both aspects of supply and demand, and figure out the solving strategies for Green Building Material improvement on implement effect in Taiwan.(1) aspect of law and regulation: “indoor air quality control law””arctectural indoor principles” and related suitable regulation for improving Green Building Material in“construction and architecture regulations”.(2) aspect of system: To induce constructors to utilize Green Building Material, we should enhance the combination between Green Building Material and Green Building and also modify Green Building Material general regulation to decrease the obstacles for applying it.(3) aspect of market: The price of Green Building Material is not relatively expensive in society, only because the price and the demand are closely related. If the Green Building Material is commonly utilized, it will be produced massively and the price will be definitely decreased. Hence, it will promote market competitiveness of Green Building Material.(4) aspect of promotion : The education of Green Building Material should be implanted into people daily life and make people aware of it.(5) aspect of executive : We should enhance the connection between Green perchance and promotion of Green Building Material; also, it brings out the incentive for utilizing Green Building Material; for example: the subsidization for applying and utilizing Green Building Material at the present stage; or the subsidization for testing fee or reduction at primary stage. It is hoped that will widen the utilization for green building material. “Promoting Green Building Material” should not only be a slogan but also a practice for the local situation from five aspects, including law and regulation, system, market, promotion and executive aspect. Therefore, the suggestions above in this area of prompting Green Building Material could be quite beneficial and achieve the goal of sustainable development.


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