  • 學位論文


Legal,Ethical and Religious Issues Concerning Stem Cell Research and It's Medical Use

指導教授 : 劉幸義


幹細胞研究之現況主要包含成體幹細胞、胚胎幹細胞及iPS細胞三者,本文研究範圍主要集中在幹細胞研究層面上所可能涉及之法律、倫理、宗教議題上,其中又以胚胎幹細胞研究之爭議最大,故本文主要聚焦在胚胎幹細胞研究層面之法律、倫理、宗教爭議上,而對於幹細胞研究於應用上可能牽涉之議題,例如研究成果之利益歸屬、研究發表之保護、人體試驗受試者保護、再生醫療產品商業化之管制等等,均非本文篇幅所得處理之範圍。 首先,由於我國目前並無規範幹細胞研究之專法,故本文針對我國規範現況說明後,並介紹外國各種管制模式以作為我國將來立法之參考。而胚胎幹細胞研究之法理議題上,主要涉及生命權、人性尊嚴和研究自由等問題,而爭議之來源在於胚胎幹細胞之取得方式須破壞胚胎,故在此需探究胚胎在法律上之地位,是否受生命權及人性尊嚴之保護,及若肯認胚胎受到生命權及人性尊嚴之保護,則其和幹細胞研究人員的研究自由處於何種關係。 再者,於倫理爭議上,主要從二方向思考,其一為胚胎是否具有道德地位,而胚胎是否具有道德地位則涉及道德上人格之判斷,本文主要介紹三種不同之判斷標準,另一方面則從各倫理原則,主要是效益主義及義務論之觀點探討可否進行胚胎幹細胞之研究,最後則從宗教觀點探討各宗教面對胚胎幹細胞之態度。 由於社會環境、文化背景、宗教信仰之差異,導致各國幹細胞研究管制模式上之差異,英國和德國便是最佳的對照組,而法律規範之功能本包括建立不同專業領域彼此間溝通互信之機制,本文研究目的即希望透過法律、倫理與宗教不同的觀點剖析胚胎幹細胞研究的爭議所在,以期對我國社會、法制在思考如何面對此一議題上能提供些許參考。


This research mainly concentrates on the legal, ethical and religious issues concerning stem cells. It focuses especially on embryonic stem cell research, due to its considerable controversy. As for the issues on stem cell research applications, such as the ownership of the interest of research outcome, the protection of the research publication, the protection of human test subjects, the commercialization control of regenerative medicine products, etc., are not within the scope of this research. First, there are currently no special laws on embryonic stem cell research in Taiwan. After presenting current regulations in Taiwan, various regulation models abroad will be introduced as a reference for future legislation. The legal issues on embryonic stem cell research involve the right to life, human dignity, freedom of research etc. The source of controversy is that while extracting embryonic stem cells, the donor embryo will be damaged. Therefore, the legal status of embryos concerning the right to life and human dignity should be discussed. If it is recognized to protect embryo based on the right to life and human dignity, the relationship between donor embryos and the freedom of its stem cell researchers should be discussed as well. Second, ethical controversy is viewed from two main aspects in this research. Whether embryos have moral status is one of the aspects, which involves the judgment of moral personality. This research mainly introduces three different criteria on moral personality judgments. The other aspect concerns various ethical principles, mainly from the perspective of utilitarianism and deontology. Last, from the religious point of view, this research discusses the attitudes towards embryonic stem cell research from various religions. Due to different social environments, cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs, there are various regulation models on stem cell research in every country. The models from Britain and Germany are the best control group. While the function/role of legal norms includes the establishment of mutual trust and communication mechanism among different domains of expertise. The purpose of this research is to provide some references to our society and legal system by analyzing the controversy of embryonic stem cell research from legal, ethical and religious points of view.


艾立勤,論接合子是不是位格人,哲學與文化月刊,第 28卷第 8期,頁701,2001年 8月


