  • 學位論文


The Influence of Service Failure on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention & Word of mouth of The Wang Group –The Moderating Effect of Culture Model Approach

指導教授 : 徐純慧


自PZB於1988年提出服務品質概念架構與SERVQUAL量表以來,其後研究者不斷投入修正並擴充其論述且探討服務品質對顧客滿意之影響;1993年Kelley, Hoffman & Davis釐清造成服務失誤(service failure)的原因。惟隨著商管策略與管理技術與時俱進,服務失誤仍為任何服務業經營者不可避免之負向因素,因此本研究旨在探討顧客面對不同服務失誤因素時對顧客滿意、顧客續留及口碑傳播之影響,並探討在不同「顧客文化差異」時,顧客滿意下降對顧客續留及口碑傳播是否具有調節效果。本研究先選擇王品餐飲集團旗下餐廳王品牛排與陶板屋之60位顧客,探討其對不同的服務失誤情境的認知與感受差異,辨別其應該歸責於何種服務失誤因素,再以曾經於王品餐飲集團旗下之西堤餐廳與陶板屋餐廳消費過的顧客為研究對象,進行問卷調查,總計回收412份有效樣本進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,即使以強調服務與顧客至上的王品餐廳,仍不免有服務失誤之情形發生;服務失誤發生後,顧客滿意會下降,進而影響到顧客續留與口碑傳播,且顧客多將服務失誤歸責於王品。表示服務失誤之發生雖不可避免,但如何管理顧客對於服務之期望水準就越顯重要。本研究並探討不同顧客類型在顧客滿意下降對顧客續留與口碑傳播之間的調節效果,研究結果亦發現,不同顧客類型會影響因服務失誤所導致之顧客滿意下降,其中,關係導向之顧客在面對服務失誤後,會弱化其顧客滿意下降對顧客續留與口碑傳播之影響;但敵對導向與功用導向之顧客在面對服務失誤時,會強化顧客滿意下降對顧客續留與口碑傳播之影響。因此,本研究建議餐飲業之第一線服務同仁在發生服務失誤時,可先行辨別顧客類型之不同,並給予適當之補救措施,以避免因提供不適當之補救措施而無法挽回顧客滿意。


Since 1988 from the PZB service quality & SERVQUAL scale conceptual framework has been subsequently amended & researchers continue to invest to exp& its discussion of service quality & the impact on customer satisfaction; in 1993, Kelley, Hoffman & Davis clarified the cause of service failure reasons. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the customers face different service failure factors of customer satisfaction, customer retention & the impact of word of mouth,and to explore different "customer cultural model", customer satisfaction, the decline continued to stay on the customer & word of mouth is capable of regulating effect. In this study, Wangsteak & Tokiya 60 customer, to investigate the cognitive & feel the difference on a service failure situation, to identify the factors attributable to what kind of service failure, then once Tasty Restaurant & Tokiya restaurant consumption customer is the object of study, a survey of the total recovery of 412 valid samples for data analysis. This study explore the cultural model approach of different customers retention & word of mouth between the moderating effects of continued decline in customer satisfaction to the customer, the research shows that Relational customers in the face of service failure will weaken their customer satisfaction fell to the customer continued to stay with word of mouth; oppositional & Utilitarian customers in the face of service failure, it will strengthen the customer satisfaction decline in the customer retention & word of mouth, therefore, this study provides the first line of catering services to colleagues in the event of service failure to identify the cultural differences of customers, & then give the appropriate recovery strategy to avoid inappropriate recovery & irreparable customer satisfaction.


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