  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementation of the Tourism Factory Policy in Yi-Lan County

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


本研究以政策執行的理論觀點,針對宜蘭縣觀光工廠政策進行深入瞭解,探討其執行現況及過程中所產生的問題與困境,深度訪談此政策的利害關係人共計12人,由「執行組織特性」、「執行人員態度與意向」、「政策資源」、「政策行銷」四個研究變項,分析宜蘭縣自2006年開始推動的「宜蘭縣觀光工廠輔導計畫」之執行現況與問題。 本研究方法採用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,研究發現,執行組織特性、執行人員態度與意向、政策行銷皆對於宜蘭縣觀光工廠政策的推動具有正面作用,唯目前仍存在缺乏評鑑制度、工策會與縣府單位間跨部門協調合作機制的運作不足、協會尚缺乏積極自主性的功能、執行人員數量不足、專業師資聘請不易、經費不足且深受中央補助款不穩定影響、觀光工廠行銷的深度與廣度仍不足、交通配套措施不完善等問題尚須加強與改善。 最後,依研究發現所提出相關政策建議如下:一、執行組織方面:建議建立完善的評鑑制度並強化工策會與縣府單位的跨部門協調合作機制。二、執行人員態度與意向方面:建議設置獎勵機制與定期辦理執行人員研習。三、政策資源方面:建議將工策會執行人員任用標準予以制度化,並建立人才資料庫。四、政策行銷方面:建議應強化協會的整合行銷功能發揮,與地方文化特質結合並拓展國外遊客以提昇其行銷深度與廣度。 關鍵字:產業觀光、工策會、觀光工廠輔導計畫、政策執行


This study aims to understand the policy regarding the tourism factories of Yilan County, as well as the problems and difficulties during the implement process with policy implement as the theoretical point of view. We carried out depth interviews with 12 shareholders related to this policy and analyzed the current development and difficulties of “Tourism Factory Consultation Project of Yilan County” with four variances, “the characteristics of implement organizations”, “the attitude and intention of implement staff”, “the policy resources” and “the marketing of policy”. Having taken literature analysis method and depth interview method in the research, the findings indicate the positive effect of“the characteristics of implement organizations”, “the attitude and intention of implement staff” and “the marketing of policy” on the policy implement regarding the tourism factories of Yilan County. However, there are still problems to be improved, such as the lack of evaluation regulations, the insufficiency of inter-department cooperation mechanism between Industry Development and Investment Promotion Committee and the county government, the scarcity of committee autonomy, the short of implement staff, the difficulty of hiring professional teachers, the deficiency of fund affected by unsteady financial subsidy from the central government, the insignificancy of width and depth on tourism factory marketing, and the imperfect of supporting measures on public transportation. According to the findings, we have brought out the following suggestions regarding the policy: (1) as to the implement organization, the perfect evaluation regulations and the inter-department cooperation mechanism must be set up; (2) for the attitude and intention of implement staff, regular training and incentives of the implement staff are necessary ; (3) as to the policy resources, the appointment criteria for staff in Industry Development and Investment Promotion Committee and the personnel database should be built up; and (4) regarding the policy marketing, the marketing depth and width can be improved by attracting more foreign visitors and combining the marketing strategies with the characteristics of local culture. Keywords: industry tourism; Industry Development and Investment Promotion Committee; Tourism Factory Consultation Project; Policy Implementation


